Dilandu wrote:n7axw wrote:It would help if we had competent leadership at the top who would assist the professionals in doing their work without getting in the way with bad info and political static.
Obviously, but your healthcare system is still a total embarrassment.
The research side of things is the best in the world, but the distribution side gives us half the care at twice the cost. Between Medicare and supplemental insurance, we get by ok. The church manages our insurance and we pay premiums. My wife has had some serious issues, but out of pocket cost to us has been minimal and the care has been excellent. Great care facilities available if you can afford to avail yourself of them. Unfortunately not everybody can. That is the rub.
As for the pandemic, everybody, both private and public, is stepping up to the plate to do their part and a bipartisan bill has been passed to deal with the cost. But the problem is lack of competent leadership at the top. Rather than using his office to facilitate the people who need to be working together, Trump sees everything in political terms and then constantly opens his mouth spreading false info and providing advice contrary to the advice of the professionals.
Pandemics have happened before and been managed well.
I imagine we'll eventually muddle through. But my, my, what a mess.