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Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures

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Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Daryl   » Fri Dec 20, 2013 8:11 am

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Wots thut Jimmy?
Michael Riddell wrote:Hmmm, interesting - nameless hasn't said anything pungent about the UK mob. ;)

I'm interested to hear what the US makes of Cameron and Miliband.

On a further note, we in Scotland also have our own Parliament, so we get another load of Politicians to call our own.

Basic description of Scottish Parliament:

Alex Salmond, current First Minister, leader of the Scottish National Party:

Johann Lamont, leader of the Scottish branch of the Labour Party (largest opposition party):

Ruth Davidson, leader of Scottish Conservative and Unionist Party:

and Willie Rennie, leader of the Scottish Liberal Democrats, former governing coalition party with Scottish Labour:

The most recent First Ministers Questions:

Salmond doing what he's good at, putting the boot into Lamont:

BTW, there are subtitles available if anyone finds the accents hard to follow!! ;)

Mike. :)
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by namelessfly   » Fri Dec 20, 2013 12:24 pm


I agree with your assessments on many of these leaders.

Merkel is EXTREMELY competent and exposes the more conservative fiscal and tax policies that I support. (yes, I know Germany's tax rates are higher than the US, but she is not making them higher).

Daryl wrote:Not many statesmen or stateswomen out there. Angela Merkle has just won a third term in Germany, and she seems to be competent.
Australia has had a run of politicians for some years, with decisions being run past focus groups and opinion polls, plus all public speeches and comments cleared by their spin doctors. In the past 50 years we had one conservative (Menzies), and three progressive (Whitlam, Hawke and Keating) who had some fire and principles. Many hated them but at least they stood for something. Our current PM is an odious little creep (I met him a few times before I retired).
The Kiwi PM is invisible, and the international press put him down as unknown when a group of leaders is photographed. Cameron in the UK seems to be a bland politician. Putin is highly competent, but does not appear to be someone you would trust or like. The nutter in North Korea is both incompetent and nasty.
The US had an unfortunate run with puppet rulers set up in the cold war, with most being incompetent and nasty. I had a laugh last year when the Afghanistan President was upset that he was unfortunately kept out of the loop on a drug bust, and a close relative was caught with a ton of heroin, wonder why?
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Michael Riddell   » Sat Dec 21, 2013 7:16 am

Michael Riddell
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Location: Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.

Daryl wrote:Wots thut Jimmy?

Nah - that's Glaswegian.

Up here it's "Fit ye sayin'?" :twisted:

If you want truly unintelligible, here's some Doric:

Mike. ;)
Gonnae no DAE that!


Just gonnae NO!
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by pokermind   » Sat Dec 21, 2013 10:57 am

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Hi Michael,

Yep nigh on to unintelligible, here's a different culture looking at Christmas, the American Indian

Enjoy, Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year, Poker

Michael Riddell wrote:
Daryl wrote:Wots thut Jimmy?

Nah - that's Glaswegian.

Up here it's "Fit ye sayin'?" :twisted:

If you want truly unintelligible, here's some Doric:

Mike. ;)
CPO Poker Mind Image and, Mangy Fur the Smart Alick Spacecat.

"Better to be hung for a hexapuma than a housecat," Com. Pang Yau-pau, ART.
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by biochem   » Sun Dec 22, 2013 8:10 pm

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Agree with several posters that Merkel is highly competent. The Eurozone should be thanking God for her existence. Imagine how much worse the mess they're in would be without her!

Cameron seems to be just there. One of those politicians that will be a footnote in history and will always be the man forgotten by future students memorizing the prime ministers of Great Britain.

Hollande of France seems intent on making France follow Greece off the fiscal cliff. Hopefully Merkel has blackmail material to prevent that. All those old east German spies need to useful for something!
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by namelessfly   » Sun Dec 22, 2013 9:24 pm


At the risk of provoking a flame war, I would point out that Governor Palin executed a fiscal policy that was even more prudent than Merkel's while she was Governor of Alaska. The. republican governors who boasted about their surpluses during the 2012 election should have been shamed by Palin pointing out that her surpluses exceeded all of theirs combined.

biochem wrote:Agree with several posters that Merkel is highly competent. The Eurozone should be thanking God for her existence. Imagine how much worse the mess they're in would be without her!

Cameron seems to be just there. One of those politicians that will be a footnote in history and will always be the man forgotten by future students memorizing the prime ministers of Great Britain.

Hollande of France seems intent on making France follow Greece off the fiscal cliff. Hopefully Merkel has blackmail material to prevent that. All those old east German spies need to useful for something!
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by clancy688   » Sun Dec 22, 2013 10:20 pm

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In danger of making me (and my country) to the laughing-stock of this board, what do you think of this political figure in Germany?

Well, who is she?

- doctor by training
- ex-housewife
- ex Minister of Social Affairs, Women, Family and Health (state of Lower-Saxony)
- ex Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- ex Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs

And her current occupation?

Minister of Defense. :o

(What, exactly, qualifies her for THIS job is beyond me. The only logical explanation I managed to come up with is the one I don't actually care for - Merkel needed some "unimportant" staff post for one of her cronies. Let's take defense, why the hell not? I feel like crying...)

Oh, and btw., did you just had a discussion about Merkel's competence? What, exactly, was the consensus of your discussion...?
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Tenshinai   » Sun Dec 22, 2013 11:20 pm


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clancy688 wrote:Oh, and btw., did you just had a discussion about Merkel's competence? What, exactly, was the consensus of your discussion...?

I think they consensused into a verdict of "highly competent" and that the eurozone should thank god for her. :mrgreen:

I opted out of that discussion myself.

clancy688 wrote:What, exactly, qualifies her for THIS job is beyond me.

Very little that can be found?
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by Michael Riddell   » Mon Dec 23, 2013 7:27 am

Michael Riddell
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Posts: 352
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Location: Aberdeen, Scotland, UK.

pokermind wrote:Hi Michael,

Yep nigh on to unintelligible, here's a different culture looking at Christmas, the American Indian

Enjoy, Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year, Poker

Well, some one on local radio did say that two nor-east farmers talking to one another in Doric did sound a bit like Native American..... Merry Crimbo to you as well, Poker. 8-)

Back on topic, Cameron is typical of the vast majority of current UK politicians in that he isn't very memorable. I personally can't name that many of either Con-Lib Cabinet or even the Labour opposition shadow cabinet!

From the perspective of the British press, especially the Tabloids, Merkel has one major problem:

She's German.

Mike. :?:
Gonnae no DAE that!


Just gonnae NO!
Re: Thoughts on other world leaders and political figures
Post by namelessfly   » Mon Dec 23, 2013 6:00 pm


May be it would help Merkel's image if she would publicize these photos of herself during her youth?

Michael Riddell wrote:
pokermind wrote:Hi Michael,

Yep nigh on to unintelligible, here's a different culture looking at Christmas, the American Indian

Enjoy, Merry Christmas, and a happy New Year, Poker

Well, some one on local radio did say that two nor-east farmers talking to one another in Doric did sound a bit like Native American..... Merry Crimbo to you as well, Poker. 8-)

Back on topic, Cameron is typical of the vast majority of current UK politicians in that he isn't very memorable. I personally can't name that many of either Con-Lib Cabinet or even the Labour opposition shadow cabinet!

From the perspective of the British press, especially the Tabloids, Merkel has one major problem:

She's German.

Mike. :?:

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