In danger of making me (and my country) to the laughing-stock of this board, what do you think of this political figure in Germany?, who is she?
- doctor by training
- ex-housewife
- ex Minister of Social Affairs, Women, Family and Health (state of Lower-Saxony)
- ex Federal Minister for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth
- ex Federal Minister of Labour and Social Affairs
And her current occupation?
Minister of Defense.
(What, exactly, qualifies her for THIS job is beyond me. The only logical explanation I managed to come up with is the one I don't actually care for - Merkel needed some "unimportant" staff post for one of her cronies. Let's take defense, why the hell not? I feel like crying...)
Oh, and btw., did you just had a discussion about Merkel's competence? What, exactly, was the consensus of your discussion...?