Vice President Vance uttered a few very descriptive words in a recent speech:
“…the enemy within…”!
Out of the mouths of babes and…
(Well, put in your own adjective…idiots, drunks…whatever!)
Ever since its very inception, there’s been one very nasty fly in the ointment of every Soviet and Russian leader since Stalin: NATO!!!
They’ve tried to destabilize it, sew dissention, but the Alliance has held….until!
Donald Trump President of the U.S.A.!!!
What else could he have thought would happen?
As the leading power in the Alliance, turning in a treacherous, back-stabbing move to try to grab the province of one member, and levy crippling trade tariffs against another?
Somewhere Putin is laughing his ass off!
After all he had a past in the K.G.B…