biochem wrote:Some of the recent posts regarding Saudi Arabia got me thinking. If you were the dictator of an oil rich 3rd world country how would you spend your trillions to build the country into a first world country that would remain a first world country when the oil runs out in 100 years?
First things first - hello all, long time no see and so on...
Now to the point.
You people amaze me sometimes

I guess it's your geography speaking, or maybe it's your history plus the geography thing - I dont really know.
Absolutely, Ultimately First Thing to do is build up your Army and Navy. No matter what they were like while you were a 3rd world dictator(and they most probably were just good enough to keep your population in control), what you intend to build will be a delicious piece open for grabs by your neighbours. And considering where all these oil rich 3rd world countries are located you're guaranteed to have some very "interesting" neighbours. You're gonna need that Army and Navy
bad. Consider also that the army is a very good ground/tool for experimenting in social reforms - I have read somewhere that the decision makers in a society are usually the males in the 20-45 age region, and you can put a lot of them through army training. And yes, that means you'll have to start with a conscript army and
slowly transform it into one of highly qualified specialist volonteers.
2.The second thing you do is make sure your population can feed itself - you cannot afford to depend on import for that - it is too serious a tool against you. Besides, well fed people are going to be much more open to changes that have unclear results - and believe me, the results of your changes
are going to be unclear to the majority of your population.
3.Third comes religion - if you have a dominant one and it has any influence in your country you need to make sure it stands firmly behind your efforts. No matter what that religion is, you have to:
a)separate it from the state, if it is not already separated
b) make sure you have control over it or at least insure the cooperation of its leaders for your future endeavors - you can loosen that control later but you'll absolutely need it in the begining.
c) make sure its core beliefs support your incoming reforms, change them if you must and
do it peacefully - otherwise you're in for a heap of trouble.
Religion is a VERY powerfull tool - and you need to be sure it is in your corner.
4. This will be somewhat foggy, largely because it depends on the particular country/situation. The fourth thing you do is make sure you have the oposition in controll. Now, you
were a dictator, so you might already have done that

, at least to some extent. However, you need to make sure that all the opposition - current
and future(meaning the people who are currently on your side but will be oposed to your reforms) - is in control. Remember what are you changing your counry
. Again, you may (in fact
will have to) loosen that controll in the fiture, but in the begining you
do not need any distractions.
Now that you have a solid base you can start with all these other changes - and be reasonably confident that your country is not going to explode right under you or be taken away from you by some "good old neighbour".
None of these things are easy, and none of them can be accomplished fast - but then again if you can't take a joke ... you know the rest
