Since Tenshini is now claiming that I am making threats, I think that Inshould publicly post the PMs inquestion.
BTW, I consistently was directed to a New Scientists article related to the extra heat being sequestered in the oceans, so given the context of the other thread, I don't think I screwed anything up or demonstrated incompetence. The link that Tenshina posts here does direct you to an article on an unrelated subject.
Since the link set me to the New Scientist article, I don't think the truncation caused it to "fail totally."
However; it is possible that you were attempting to post the embedded link to the original source article in Nature?
This "research", particularly the scary looking graph here: ... 4_SF3.html
has been cited numerous times since publication in an effort to terrify weak minded fools who are either to ignorant or to lasy to check the math. No doubt this deceptively truncated graph that indicates a calculated net increase in ocean heat content measured in 10^23 Joules caused you to soil your panties.
I will not bother to dispute the authors' claims about how much heat is allegedly being sequestered in the shallow ocean (150 meters is not deep) because the Argo Ocean Temperature Array has been indicating an increase in ocean heat content for years that is neither controversial or alarming. I remain unconcerned because the magnitude of the alleged increase in Ocean thermal energy content is trivial compared to global insolation over the relevant time period and absolutely inconsequential compared to Global Ocean Heat Content. The corresponding change in temperature change is measured in hundredths of Kelvins! Given the slope of the Ocean thermalcline, plausible errors in the sounding depth by the sensor buoys could create a much larger temperature anomaly.
I suggest that you take a shower before putting on a clean panty, then actually crunch some numbers.