Zakharra wrote: As far as I know there is no geological proof that there ever was any global flood. There isn't enough water on Earth to cover the entire planet. We can read the geological record fairly well back to hundreds of millions to billions of years ago. There have been periods when areas flooded, but the entire world? no. That would leave significant signs of its presence world wide, especially if it happened only 5-6,000 years ago. That sign would be visible to any and -all- geologists and not something that could be hidden or kept a secret.
Enjoy your beliefs. Personally, I will believe in science.
Your faith in Geologists not being blind is unwarranted.
Actually there is evidence all over the place that current geology has no explanation for most major geological features and their causes under Uniformity.
For Example: Take the shale formations of the Grand Canyon that go from California to Texas and from Mexico to Wyoming. To get the stratification in its present form, it had to be laid down in
moving water/mud. A moving mud stream thousand miles long/wide and over 2000meters deep?(more likely multiple mud flows over this vast area) An even larger example would be the layers extending from SE Asia down through Australia. We can literally drive a thousand miles and obtain the exact same rocks with the exact same composition, stratification, and clast sorting.
Why do we know this?
In the science lab where we can repeatedly test how stratification forms, it is impossible to create those fine layers under stagnate conditions. One cannot obtain the fine stratification combined with the sorting of clast size under stagnate conditions. It is impossible. It must be in a moving mud slurry. The immense layers seen at the Grand Canyon could not possibly have been laid down under stagnate lake/ocean conditions. It must be from a moving mud flow.
(We see modern mud flows obtain this stratification along with sorting of clast size all over the place.) A stagnant yearly sediment deposition gets the fine layers, but not the sorting of clast size.
The second major compelling piece of evidence is when one adds in the severe lack or mostly the complete void of varves burrowing through the layers of mud as is done in Stagnate ocean/lake layered mud demonstrating that it was never built up layer by layer, year by year as is described in dumbed down high school text books. In fact, the evidence was so absolutely fool proof(other than the fools who still hang onto their beliefs otherwise) that the Grand Canyon National Park service took down the signs describing the Grand Canyon sedimentation layers being built up layer by layer in a lake/ocean bed. Yet all the high school/college texts keep blindly adhering to junk "science."
No modern Geologist believes in conformity anymore. They nearly all believe in massive cataclysmic events interspersed by large periods of time to explain the geologic features as we have had multitudes of documented events showing the way.
Is this positional moving of Geological thought very close to resembling a global flood? Let you decide.
PS. We currently have no acknowledged trigger event capable of creating the massive ice age. To create the massive ice age one needs much warmer oceans than is current today combined with very cold continents. Some have theorized massive planetary bombardment from a multitude of meteor strikes. Essentially cracking the earths mantle and releasing massive amounts of heat into the oceans via volcanism that would also blanket the continents with massive amounts of ash. Problem is we do not find massive amounts of meteor strike evidence. Of course such evidence is extremely hard to find as 70% of the earths surface is covered in water.
PPS. Radiological dating is a giant 3 ring circus where they all pass the buck to a different radiological dating process for obtaining a "structure" of what the samples initial guessed age is. Ultimately it gets back to guessing the initial conditions under which that rock was/when/where formed. That is not science. That is circular reasoning. The only thing Radiological dating can do with absolute certainty, is set a maximum age assuming no contamination. There is a very simple reason that for determination of the age of the solar system/earth etc, we are looking at the stars, not geological radiological dating pseudo circular reasoning "science".