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Celebrity worship

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Re: Celebrity worship
Post by Hutch   » Mon Apr 21, 2014 9:38 am

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ksandgren wrote:I think I agree both with you and with Lord Skimper's evaluation. I asked some of the same questions when there was a royal visit to your country while I was living there. Given the way Australians serving the Crown were treated in the Bohr Wars, at Gallipoli, and in WWII when Australia was being invaded by the Japanese but the Brits kept much of the Aussie military in Africa rather than defending Australia, I could not understand the devotion to the Queen. Lots of people go crazy over people who are different - in whatever way, for either good or bad reasons.

Nit-pick. I don't believe Australia was ever invaded by the Japanese--there may have been raids along the North coast, but no actual invasion. I think the closest they got was Papau-New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

I'll not comment on the deployment of the Australian Army, as I do not have my sources with me.

As for the OP, I wonder if there is not something in the Human psyche that makes us fascinated by those that are considered 'successful' (or for that matter, 'notorious'). Think of how many books/films today are still done about Napoleon, Ceaser, Hannibal (the Carthiginian, not the cannibal). how many science books refer to Archimedes, Kepler, Newton, or the fascination with the Romanovs or the Hapsburgs...

I think (and this is Hutch, not science, talking) that a survival trait from long ago was to follow the strongest, the most succcessful, the smartest one and too provide them the loyalty of the group--which has transmuted in modern society into the exagerated 'hero worship' we see today.

And that is your 'pop psych' moment for today, boys and girls... 8-) 8-) :D Because the truth is, I don't know (which is the second-best three word combo in Science--the first is "hmmm, that's interesting"...)
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow.

What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5

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