Imaginos1892 wrote:Now imagine Hitler, Stalin or Pol Pot living for 3,000 years.
For all of history there have been tyrants, despots and robber barons, but they could only do limited damage. It typically takes them half a lifetime to attain power, they die after a few decades, and their tyrannies disintegrate shortly afterward. What might happen if those sociopaths could spend thousands of years tightening their grip on power?
Kosh was right.You are not ready for immortality.
Hmmm. Assume the Garden of Eden was real - assume also that old age is basically a nutrient lack disease - now just why would the Lord insist on cutting off access to the tree of Life after sin entered the world
RE: sociopaths - someone commented that the primary symptom of sociopaths gaining control of any society consists of attempts to restrict access to uncontrolled information by average people. Where is this occurring today
While we have our thinking cap on - which is the worst problem: getting access to raw data, or an insistence that any data we get must be interpreted according to accepted theory, and anyone who says different must be shut up