Hi I'm a hopeful writer who needs help with his Kath Empire setting the timeframe is 27th century or later.
The novel series is a war Between the Kath Empire and the Terrans from the Kath point of view, and since a branch of Terrans started the War(Americans) by blowing up the Imperial palace on Kath.
So if this is a war story, why are the felines at war with the Americans? Did they do something to provoke an American attack, or is this just another example of the anti-American trope? (Before you begin, I am a fellow Canadian, and I have worked and fought with Americans in several deployments, so I have a real idea of what they are about).
If this is the core idea of the story (Chinese food, base 8 numbering etc. is just background set dressing, unless you can convince the reader why this is critical to the story), you should be working on the backstory of what brought on the war, and your projected timeline of how the war progresses. Are only the Americans at war with the aliens? How and why are the other nations of Earth (or human colonies) involved in this war? How and why is the United States still in existence as a nation in 2600 AD? What sort of nation has it become 600 years from now? What is the rest of the world like? Space colonies of the Earth? Since the kitties haven't apparently evolved or changed in a timespan longer than recorded human history, any realistic POV story will see them at a huge disadvantage (which offers up interesting story possibilities).
Of course this is now starting to look like the Man-Kzin wars of Larry Niven, although in that series the Kzin started each conflict and were eventually defeated by the superior adaptability of the Humans (the first contact comes when the Earth has been effectively disarmed for centuries; the Kzin believe this means the Human race is pacifistic and easy prey to conquer. Sadly for them, large scale spacecraft and spaceflight involves the control of massive amounts of energy, which Humans harness quickly to defeat the Kzin space fleets).
You have been given plenty of tools and advice, so *we* hope you take this to heart and start doing the serious work needed to write a good story. Be assured that *we* will be here to offer constructive criticism and advice, should you want it.