I stumbled across this gem of a pearl. This makes me want to shake off the bondage of procrastination and read the SafeHold series. And I'm gonna! If you haven't read this pearl, give it a whirl.
David Weber wrote:
I promise I wasn't really smoking any prohibited substances when this came to me. But, I thought, what the heck, if Heinlein could do it, so can I.
I wonder if it's fanfic when the author does it?
Um, RFC, The Earl of Duckkdom has been pretty consistent about that fanfic thing. Seems it is only fanfic when someone other than the author does it. So although what you write is fan fiction (assuming you're your biggest fan) it's not fanfiction, because what you write is real. Huh? Damn, I'm even more confused now. Doh!
But let's tackle that first line...
I promise I wasn't really smoking any prohibited substances when this came to me. But, I thought, what the heck, if Heinlein could do it, so can I.
You opened the door on this one RFC...I'm just saying. I always wonder how an author comes by all of his incredible material. Where do you get the inspiration? What led you to the idea of sidewalls? Apollo? Wormhole Junctions capable of a limited mass translation? You must constantly have the Honorverse on your mind at all times, in your head, and inevitably go to bed with it on your brain. Especially after falling asleep writing well into Sharon forbidden times of the night.
Long ago I often wondered what the dreams and nightmares must be like for authors. Let's think Avatar and Matrix just for reference. There is no way in H-E-double hockey sticks I'd want to wake up in a nightmare belonging to Alfred Hitchcock, or Stephen King. Poor guys, I would have to take Valiums, just to nap. I imagine their dreams to be like Freddy Krueger...don't fall asleep now! Where do they get their inspiration? What was Hitchcock doing the exact moment he conceived of a bunch of out of control homicidal Birds? And I really hope that I am not right to worry about an author's dreams and nightmares. My fianceé thinks that authors of the horror genre are probably immune to the horrors that frighten his audience. But that doesn't feel instinctive to me. For if something doesn't frighten the author, how can he think it'll frighten his audience? And an even worse thought, if indeed an author is immune to the horrors he bestows upon his audience, then what the hell is it that frightens him?!
I say again, I would not want to Avatar or Matrix into one of Stephen King's nightmares. First I'll say it, then I'll do it. And my waiting friends standing around to shock me back to consciousness will know the sign by smell. "He's shat, bring him back!"
Which brings me to you RFC. You're the closest I can come to having a chance to ask an author about that. Do you care to share with the class where you've come by some of your inspiration? And do you have nightmares? I'd like to Avatar into one of your dreams, if I can be assured of appearing at Honor's shower scene where Young thought it was Christmas and found out it was Halloween. Or any other shower scene with Shannon, Abigail, Alice, Estelle...
But I wouldn't want to appear in the middle of a missile storm, unless I have Matrix control and can manufacture my own counter missiles!
So, would you care to share some of your inspiration with us? And what about those nightmares? Does poor Sharon have to constantly wake you in the middle of the night "They've fired Pookie! The counter-missiles fired! We rolled ship! We're okay!?"
You know, it sure would be nice if you'd publish your ongoing diary which includes ideas you were working on, things discarded, little notes jotted in the margins, sources of inspiration, your moments of Eureka, freehand impromptu drawings, etc....minus the personal things of course, like 'remember to get milk.' You've probably already discarded an entire wealth of info. It would sell. I'd snap it up like pie! It would also allow us in awe of the talents of such an exalted writer an inside view of 'how stuff works.'
Just saying.
Just begging.