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Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board

In the breaks in his writing schedule, David has promised to stop by and chat for a while!
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by turol   » Thu Sep 15, 2011 3:23 pm

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Keep it like it is and just require all spoilery threads to be clearly marked.
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by RHWoodman   » Thu Sep 15, 2011 4:51 pm

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Relax wrote:I figure if we nut jobs put in enough effort to actually read and post at a forum specifically for a FICTIONAL author, then we qualify has pretty hard core fans.

The AUTHOR isn't fictional, just the subject matter about which he writes.

Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by Spacekiwi   » Thu Sep 15, 2011 5:32 pm


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Relax wrote:You can throw my vote in for the group that says keep it how it is. Maybe turn the 1 month Hard Back rule into 2 months.

No, I don't buy the EARC, but HB, usually yes except anthologies. For instance I have not read the latest anthology yet. Yes, I did know that there were a couple threads a while back with said topics in them. No, it really did not matter to me that said topics were present.

I figure if we nut jobs put in enough effort to actually read and post at a forum specifically for a FICTIONAL author, then we qualify has pretty hard core fans. In which case its probably well over 95% of folks who read the book the first week it is in the stores. Probably 30% buy the EARC or steal it off of ETorrents.

Personally, if there should be ANY new rule, is that there should be NO discussion with SNERKS until the HB has been published. That would solve the problem as I see it as I don't see the average poster here on the as waiting for the paperback.

Somehow, said poster on this board will get their hands on the HB even if they have to borrow from a friend or read it in the store or download from Torrents before actually eventually buying the book. In which case a SNERK board won't make any difference to them.

I'm a hardcore fan outside the CONUS who's a bit cash strapped at the moment, but planning on buying all the books hardcover when i can afford it, and until then borrowing them from our library. however that often means a wait of up to 5 months after CONUS hardback publishing times. But i don't care about the snerks, as they actually increase the enjoyment for me as i can use them as snippets and try to work out what happens next. its a great way of passing the time while waiting for the books! A snerk forum would probably be too hard to implement, and it works fine now. If it aint broke, don't fix it!

I may be a stinker, but I am a MANTICORAN stinker!

its not paranoia if its justified... :D
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by Montrose Toast   » Thu Sep 15, 2011 7:49 pm

Montrose Toast

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Duckk wrote:I'm looking into getting feedback on whether or not we should have a Snerker's Only board in order to facilitate easier discussion of recently released books. Opinions?

Absolutly. That way I can avoid it until after I've had a chance to read the book...
"Who Dares Wins"
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by lfesdaille   » Thu Sep 15, 2011 10:20 pm


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Absolutey.. Which rule to apply once book is in hard cover or paperback is the main question in my opinon.

Duckk wrote:I'm looking into getting feedback on whether or not we should have a Snerker's Only board in order to facilitate easier discussion of recently released books. Opinions?
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by Montrose Toast   » Fri Sep 16, 2011 12:48 pm

Montrose Toast

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On second thought - don't bother.
Even without having the book yet, I'm reading the comments on HFF.
Make great taesers...
"Who Dares Wins"
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by kbus888   » Sat Sep 17, 2011 8:52 am

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Duckk wrote:
I'm looking into getting feedback on whether or not we should have a Snerker's Only board in order to facilitate easier discussion of recently released books. Opinions?

Sounds like a good idea to me.

Those of us who would read it, could.

And those of us who don't want it, can simply ignore it.

..//* *\\

Love is a condition in which
the happiness of another
is essential to your own. - R Heinlein
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by nrellis   » Thu Sep 22, 2011 9:25 am

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Almost every thread contains discussion of the latest book in the series (which some people may not have yet read), possible future story developments, or "what DW said at a recent booksigning"; and they also tend to meander into other subject areas. Therefore all posts on the fora tend to contain snerks at some point, and having a "snerkers only" board becomes a fairly moot point

"True wisdom comes to each of us when we realize how little we understand about life, ourselves, and the world around us." Socrates.
Re: Informal Poll: Snerker's Only board
Post by John Driver   » Thu Sep 22, 2011 8:52 pm

John Driver
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I can think of all sorts of refinements that can be made to make avoiding spoilers easier, but the way things are right now seems to work well enough. As for a Snerker's Only Board, I would prefer to not have one. For me it just means that the stuff I want to read gets more spread out and I have to go looking for it. Mind you I can understand why some might feel differently, and it won't kill me if a Serker's Only Board is set up. This is just my two cents worth.

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