For those of us Lost in Translation. Lost in hyper. Lost in n-space. Or just plain lost (like me).
I'm trying to get my bearings right, my mind's astrogator has snot behind his ears and, I'm afraid, related to Elvis Santino.
At All Costs...
1) There is the wormhole junction and ACS (Astro Control Service) and JDC (Junction Defense Command). I am assuming that these entities are in relatively close proximity.
2) There is the inner system arrays (Where would they be, using Earth and the Sol system as a prop if you can.)
3) The Inner System Defenses. Where are they, using Earth as a prop. What kinds of defenses? There are no inner system forts are there? The forts are all around the junction.
Where are the Alpha arrays in relation to everything else.
"Ma'am, the Alpha Arrays are reporting—sweet Jesus!"
Now from where does Tourville's force come over the hyper wall in relation to all of this?
****** *
I'd like to thank many of you who have been kind and patient with me for many moons and have filled many holes in my Honorverse star map of understanding. I thank all of you who have pointed me to the many anthologies of which I wasn't aware and even suggested reading order. Crewdude48 comes to mind there. Thank you dude. The most recent being pokermind's post that made me go, "Woe... there really is a lot I have to read." He laid it all out in a nice post. So I decided to check everything off that I have against his post to make sure I have everything, because I'm going to read it all beginning NOW!
"Yaaaaaaaaay!" Thank you very much. I'm proud of me too.
"Finally!" Yep, I agree. But before I go, I wanted to know the above things so that I can take the most understanding with me to this great sofa read-in! Hypering in and out from time to time to drop a post when I can catch a dispatch boat.
Yes, I'm a snotty. I got my rank by a glitch in the system, but I'm going to try and pass the Crusher, so I'm going to cram and read everything that I haven't.
Let this thread be for us snotties... everything we've always wanted to ask but was embarrassed or couldn't form the question in our heads, or didn't know there was a missing question, was afraid of the answer or like myself, all of the above.
So, we welcome and thank all ye tutors. Do it for The Honor of the Queen.
A mind is a terrible thing to waste because then it becomes a terrible thing to taste.
Let the snot run...
There are no wrong questions here, only wrong answers. We all gotta crawl before we can hyper.
Oh! Oh!!... and thanx!!!
Referencing poker's awesome RIF (reading is fundamental) post.