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Manticore A & B and the Wormhole Junction

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Manticore A & B and the Wormhole Junction
Post by Kizarvexis   » Sat Jul 12, 2014 12:54 pm

Captain (Junior Grade)

Posts: 270
Joined: Tue Apr 03, 2012 6:18 pm

So, I was checking out this map. Hint, you should see it too. :) ... lpaper.png

And I wondered. If the distances are accurate, and I expect that they are, then does the Wormhole Junction orbit Manticore-A?

If so, then there are times it is roughly half way between Manticore-A & Manticore-B. Would there be a resonance zone between both stars? Which way is it orbiting, clockwise or anti-clockwise? If clockwise, how long until a resonance zone is set up to Manticore-B as well?

If the WhJ is fixed in place in relation to the orbits of A&B, then would it only have a resonance zone with the closest star? How long until it swaps the RZ to Manticore-B? What is the RZ like when the star is really close to the WhJ?

As I understand it, the wormholes are where they are to balance out the gravity amongst the stars in the galaxy. Would this mean as stars move around, then the wormholes will change? Not a big deal in terms of years, but over centuries the cumulative motion of all the stars could have an effect.
Re: Manticore A & B and the Wormhole Junction
Post by Vince   » Sat Jul 12, 2014 1:45 pm

Vice Admiral

Posts: 1574
Joined: Fri Apr 09, 2010 11:43 pm

Kizarvexis wrote:So, I was checking out this map. Hint, you should see it too. :) ... lpaper.png

And I wondered. If the distances are accurate, and I expect that they are, then does the Wormhole Junction orbit Manticore-A?

If so, then there are times it is roughly half way between Manticore-A & Manticore-B. Would there be a resonance zone between both stars? Which way is it orbiting, clockwise or anti-clockwise? If clockwise, how long until a resonance zone is set up to Manticore-B as well?

If the WhJ is fixed in place in relation to the orbits of A&B, then would it only have a resonance zone with the closest star? How long until it swaps the RZ to Manticore-B? What is the RZ like when the star is really close to the WhJ?

As I understand it, the wormholes are where they are to balance out the gravity amongst the stars in the galaxy. Would this mean as stars move around, then the wormholes will change? Not a big deal in terms of years, but over centuries the cumulative motion of all the stars could have an effect.

No, the wormhole does not orbit the star. It exists in a fixed relationship to the star. See Hyperspace near a Wormhole Junction. This is also another reason why fortresses that are part of the Manticoran Wormhole Junction defenses have impeller drives--they need them for station-keeping, as without them the fortresses would orbit the star, which would result in them moving away from the Junction they are there to defend.

As for your other questions, see the post by runsforcelery here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3107&hilit=resonance+zone&start=130 (You will have to scroll down to see the post (it is the fourth one on that page), as I haven't been able to figure out a way to display the start of a specific post, just the page on which it is on.)

As far as the relative positions of Manticore-A and Manticore-B, as of Field of Dishonor, the two stars were just past periastron.
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: Manticore A & B and the Wormhole Junction
Post by lyonheart   » Sun Jul 13, 2014 2:14 am

Fleet Admiral

Posts: 4853
Joined: Tue Sep 08, 2009 11:27 pm

Hi Vince,

There are maps at the Honorverse wiki that show the WHJ and its RZ effect on Manticore-A, as well as other maps that show Manticore-B among other systems.


Vince wrote:
Kizarvexis wrote:So, I was checking out this map. Hint, you should see it too. :) ... lpaper.png

And I wondered. If the distances are accurate, and I expect that they are, then does the Wormhole Junction orbit Manticore-A?

If so, then there are times it is roughly half way between Manticore-A & Manticore-B. Would there be a resonance zone between both stars? Which way is it orbiting, clockwise or anti-clockwise? If clockwise, how long until a resonance zone is set up to Manticore-B as well?

If the WhJ is fixed in place in relation to the orbits of A&B, then would it only have a resonance zone with the closest star? How long until it swaps the RZ to Manticore-B? What is the RZ like when the star is really close to the WhJ?

As I understand it, the wormholes are where they are to balance out the gravity amongst the stars in the galaxy. Would this mean as stars move around, then the wormholes will change? Not a big deal in terms of years, but over centuries the cumulative motion of all the stars could have an effect.

No, the wormhole does not orbit the star. It exists in a fixed relationship to the star. See Hyperspace near a Wormhole Junction. This is also another reason why fortresses that are part of the Manticoran Wormhole Junction defenses have impeller drives--they need them for station-keeping, as without them the fortresses would orbit the star, which would result in them moving away from the Junction they are there to defend.

As for your other questions, see the post by runsforcelery here: viewtopic.php?f=1&t=3107&hilit=resonance+zone&start=130 (You will have to scroll down to see the post (it is the fourth one on that page), as I haven't been able to figure out a way to display the start of a specific post, just the page on which it is on.)

As far as the relative positions of Manticore-A and Manticore-B, as of Field of Dishonor, the two stars were just past periastron.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!

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