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Resonance Zone Retcon?

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Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by TheMonster   » Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:10 am

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I'm rereading OBS for the first time in a while, and hit the description of HMS Fearless' transit through the wormhole to Basilisk.

On Basilisk Station, Chapter 6 wrote:But any wormhole terminus and the star with which it was associated created a roughly cone-shaped volume of mutual interference, lethal to any ship passing through it, in hyper-space's lowest bands

But that's not what I remember from the First Battle of Manticore:
At All Costs, Chapter 62 wrote:But, fortunately, Manticore-B also lay far outside the resonance zone—the volume of space between the Junction and Manticore-A in which it was virtually impossible to translate between hyper-space and normal-space. Any wormhole terminus associated with a star formed a conical volume in hyper, with the wormhole at its apex and a base centered on the star and twice as wide as its hyper limit, in which hyper-space astrogation became less than totally reliable. The bigger the terminus or junction, the stronger the resonance effect . . . and the Manticoran Wormhole Junction, with its multiple termini, was the largest ever discovered. The resonance zone it produced was more of a tsunami, and it didn't just make astrogation "less than reliable." It made it the next best thing to flatly impossible. Any translation out of the resonance zone risked serious astrogational uncertainty, and any translation into the zone would have been no more than a complicated way to commit suicide.

. . .

"Theo," she continued, pointing one index finger at Commander Kgari, "start plotting a new micro-jump. We'll go straight from here; no dogleg. I want us at least fifty million kilometers outside these newcomers. Seventy-five to a hundred would be better, but don't shave it any closer than fifty."

Kgari looked at her for a moment, and she tasted his shock. She was allowing him a much larger margin of error than Admiral Kuzak had allowed Third Fleet's units, but she was also requiring him to jump straight from a point inside the RZ to one on its periphery. Safety margin or no, astrogation that precise was going to be extraordinarily difficult to deliver, given the fact that his start point's coordinates were going to be subject to significant uncertainty, whatever he did.
So we've gone from "it's lethal to even be in hyper in the RZ" to "it's virtually impossible to translate out of the RZ and suicidal to translate into it" to something a fleet commander would seriously ask her astrogator to do, the latter step within a chapter.

When did being in hyper in the RZ stop being lethal?
Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by Joat42   » Thu Jun 05, 2014 11:46 am


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"lethal to any ship passing through it, in hyper-space's lowest bands" is not the same as translation to/from hyperspace, it means that the ship first travels into the zone and then out again while being in the lower hyperspace bands.

That's how I read it anyway.

That also means that the hyper-translation being done in AAC from inside the zone to a point outside the zone is just plain darn difficult since the uncertainty where you are going to end up and your margins for error increases significantly.

To make a comparison:
Imagine you are standing on a pillar that moves up and down, right and left randomly. You are supposed to hop onto a stationary platform that's a little bit away. You will probably decide it's possible to make the hop with a good chance of success.

Now imagine the reverse, you are standing on the stationary platform watching the pillar move around randomly. Do you feel like it's even possible or safe to hop onto the pillar?

Jack of all trades and destructive tinkerer.

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Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by TheMonster   » Thu Jun 05, 2014 1:22 pm

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Joat42 wrote:"lethal to any ship passing through it, in hyper-space's lowest bands" is not the same as translation to/from hyperspace, it means that the ship first travels into the zone and then out again while being in the lower hyperspace bands.
So there's something special about the "edges" of the RZ that makes it dangerous to leave it while in the lower h-space bands?

So once you're in lower h-space in the RZ, your choices are further upward translation or downward to n-space?

But that's exactly the opposite of the AAC statement that translating in is suicidal.
Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by JohnRoth   » Thu Jun 05, 2014 5:26 pm


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TheMonster wrote:
Joat42 wrote:"lethal to any ship passing through it, in hyper-space's lowest bands" is not the same as translation to/from hyperspace, it means that the ship first travels into the zone and then out again while being in the lower hyperspace bands.
So there's something special about the "edges" of the RZ that makes it dangerous to leave it while in the lower h-space bands?

So once you're in lower h-space in the RZ, your choices are further upward translation or downward to n-space?

But that's exactly the opposite of the AAC statement that translating in is suicidal.

What occurs to me is that the way it was originally stated, it would be really obvious that there was a wormhole terminus nearby. You'd be losing ships in job lots, and the place where you lost them would point right at the wormhole.
I For One Just Tend To Over Look It
Post by HB of CJ   » Thu Jun 05, 2014 6:55 pm

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However, some times when the "what the heck" bells somewhere inside the mares nest of my feeble minds eye start really bonging, then I will go back to try to re clarify things.

But, most of the time I just tend to overlook it as one of those many zingers that are extremely difficult for an Author or many proof readers to detect, much less correct.

Once I overlook it, then it is more fun and easy just to get back into the theme and feel of the storyline. This is easier for me as I just read the books for enjoyment and no more.

HB of CJ (old coot) LT.CM.
Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by SWM   » Thu Jun 05, 2014 10:56 pm

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JohnRoth wrote:What occurs to me is that the way it was originally stated, it would be really obvious that there was a wormhole terminus nearby. You'd be losing ships in job lots, and the place where you lost them would point right at the wormhole.

RFC has a explained a bit about that.

If you are specifically thinking of the Manticoran junction, there are some things to remember. First, back when the MWJ was discovered, hyperspace travel was not as safe as it is today. There was a higher incidence of unexplained disappearances in the vicinity of Manticore, but traffic was low enough that it was not that obvious. Ships sometimes just didn't make it, and most of the time it wasn't because of resonance zones. Second, people did not yet know as much about junctions and resonance zones. Most people did not know what signs to look for. Third, the search for wormholes was not on everyone's radar. Fourth, no one ever expected a junction quite like Manticore's. It is such a large junction that it set new standards.

If you are talking about other wormholes: Manticore is the largest known junction. No other junction is as deadly as the MWJ. Most are only mildly hazardous.
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Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by akira.taylor   » Sat Jun 07, 2014 6:06 pm

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SWM wrote:
JohnRoth wrote:What occurs to me is that the way it was originally stated, it would be really obvious that there was a wormhole terminus nearby. You'd be losing ships in job lots, and the place where you lost them would point right at the wormhole.

RFC has a explained a bit about that.

If you are specifically thinking of the Manticoran junction, there are some things to remember. First, back when the MWJ was discovered, hyperspace travel was not as safe as it is today. There was a higher incidence of unexplained disappearances in the vicinity of Manticore, but traffic was low enough that it was not that obvious. Ships sometimes just didn't make it, and most of the time it wasn't because of resonance zones. Second, people did not yet know as much about junctions and resonance zones. Most people did not know what signs to look for. Third, the search for wormholes was not on everyone's radar. Fourth, no one ever expected a junction quite like Manticore's. It is such a large junction that it set new standards.

If you are talking about other wormholes: Manticore is the largest known junction. No other junction is as deadly as the MWJ. Most are only mildly hazardous.

Fifth, there are plenty of things that are similar to junctions (and termini), but which aren't actually wormholes (and were fairly well known when the first wormhole was discovered). That's why the Beowulf terminus was discovered from Manticore (pretty podunk at the time) instead of Beowulf (already a leader in all sorts of sciences, including hyperphysics).
Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by JohnRoth   » Sat Jun 07, 2014 7:55 pm


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SWM wrote:
JohnRoth wrote:What occurs to me is that the way it was originally stated, it would be really obvious that there was a wormhole terminus nearby. You'd be losing ships in job lots, and the place where you lost them would point right at the wormhole.

RFC has a explained a bit about that.

If you are specifically thinking of the Manticoran junction, there are some things to remember. First, back when the MWJ was discovered, hyperspace travel was not as safe as it is today. There was a higher incidence of unexplained disappearances in the vicinity of Manticore, but traffic was low enough that it was not that obvious. Ships sometimes just didn't make it, and most of the time it wasn't because of resonance zones. Second, people did not yet know as much about junctions and resonance zones. Most people did not know what signs to look for. Third, the search for wormholes was not on everyone's radar. Fourth, no one ever expected a junction quite like Manticore's. It is such a large junction that it set new standards.

If you are talking about other wormholes: Manticore is the largest known junction. No other junction is as deadly as the MWJ. Most are only mildly hazardous.

No, I'm not thinking specifically about the MWJ. The way it was originally stated in OBS, and given the geometry stated later (the base of the cone is twice as wide as the hyper limit) it would be impossible to transit through hyper to or from normal space across a full half sphere around the star - and that's assuming that the base of the resonance zone is a flat plane through the star.

This is not "there are lots of hazards to navigation, so nobody notices one more." This is more like: as soon as resonance zones were discovered, everyone with a computer and access to ship loss statistics would be in a race to discover the wormhole termini.
Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by lyonheart   » Sat Jun 07, 2014 11:19 pm

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Hi JohnRoth,

First wormholes were unknown when Manticore was settled in 1416 PD.

Secondly, most trade Manticore and everyone then had was with the SL, ie inward not outward where the WHJ is, and the colony had far more on its plate than to wonder about the occasional anomaly until after the first several wormholes were discovered and differences between them and the other known navigational hazards could begin to be deciphered, so the RMN might have started looking only 20-30 years before discovering the WHJ in 1585, IIRC.

In my mind's eye, I've imagine a long service officer of Russian extraction tediously mapping that whole volume, first looking for navigational hazards, then possible hints of a wormhole before finally succeeding, NTM surprising and shocking Beowulf when these nominal neo-barbs show up suddenly, except they just discovered the biggest WHJ. :D

Regarding the AAC textev, it seemed obvious that HA-H was referring to jumping from a spot outside the RZ that was 8th Fleet's assembly point once they had transited to another point outside the RZ near Chin's 3rd Fleet within the parameters HA-H specified.

Just how big the RZ is at the WHJ apex has been duscussed before, some thinking its only a million or two kilometers, others several million.

Until RFC gets more definite, that will remain our state.


JohnRoth wrote:
SWM wrote:**quote="JohnRoth"**
What occurs to me is that the way it was originally stated, it would be really obvious that there was a wormhole terminus nearby. You'd be losing ships in job lots, and the place where you lost them would point right at the wormhole.**/quote**
RFC has a explained a bit about that.

If you are specifically thinking of the Manticoran junction, there are some things to remember. First, back when the MWJ was discovered, hyperspace travel was not as safe as it is today. There was a higher incidence of unexplained disappearances in the vicinity of Manticore, but traffic was low enough that it was not that obvious. Ships sometimes just didn't make it, and most of the time it wasn't because of resonance zones. Second, people did not yet know as much about junctions and resonance zones. Most people did not know what signs to look for. Third, the search for wormholes was not on everyone's radar. Fourth, no one ever expected a junction quite like Manticore's. It is such a large junction that it set new standards.

If you are talking about other wormholes: Manticore is the largest known junction. No other junction is as deadly as the MWJ. Most are only mildly hazardous.

No, I'm not thinking specifically about the MWJ. The way it was originally stated in OBS, and given the geometry stated later (the base of the cone is twice as wide as the hyper limit) it would be impossible to transit through hyper to or from normal space across a full half sphere around the star - and that's assuming that the base of the resonance zone is a flat plane through the star.

This is not "there are lots of hazards to navigation, so nobody notices one more." This is more like: as soon as resonance zones were discovered, everyone with a computer and access to ship loss statistics would be in a race to discover the wormhole termini.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Resonance Zone Retcon?
Post by Jonathan_S   » Sun Jun 08, 2014 4:11 pm

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lyonheart wrote:Hi JohnRoth,

First wormholes were unknown when Manticore was settled in 1416 PD.

Secondly, most trade Manticore and everyone then had was with the SL, ie inward not outward where the WHJ is, and the colony had far more on its plate than to wonder about the occasional anomaly until after the first several wormholes were discovered and differences between them and the other known navigational hazards could begin to be deciphered, so the RMN might have started looking only 20-30 years before discovering the WHJ in 1585, IIRC.
I also assume that a ship lost attempting to reenter n-space through the RZ wouldn't leave any visible signature on the n-space side. (And outbound is just rough, not usually fatal)

So Manticore might realize that a slightly higher than 'normal' number of ships fail to arrive, but it wouldn't know where they were lost. Nothing to really point to one section of the hyper limit being a ship-killer. In the limited amount of trade that occurred prior to the discovery of the wormhole those losses might easily have been chalked up to piracy, equipment failures, or just changes in route (bypassing Manticore).

If the RZ caused ship leaving to be destroyed it should have been identified, as some previously unknown navigational hazard, much earlier. (Even if the breakup happened in the alpha bands and didn't leave a visible sign in n-space at least traffic control should have records of the route each ship took to the hyper limit and someone could notice a locational pattern in the lost ships)

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