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Information I'd love to know

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Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by Weird Harold   » Sat Nov 22, 2014 6:49 pm

Weird Harold
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cthia wrote:A question for anyone who has ever been in the armed forces. When singing ...

"For he's a jolly good fellow. For he's ..."

What is it for a woman? "For she's a jolly good," (person or lassie)?

In that context, "fellow" is genderless. At least in my experience which is extremely limited when it comes to that song.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by cthia   » Sat Nov 22, 2014 7:31 pm

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Weird Harold wrote:
cthia wrote:A question for anyone who has ever been in the armed forces. When singing ...

"For he's a jolly good fellow. For he's ..."

What is it for a woman? "For she's a jolly good," (person or lassie)?

In that context, "fellow" is genderless. At least in my experience which is extremely limited when it comes to that song.

Thanks Harold. I considered that could be the case, but internet searches contradict each other by listing all three possibilities. So I thought I'd poll the horses mouth.

Another question. Did Alfredo Yu or Warner Caslet have any family in the Navy, that they may have been killing when they faced them across opposite missile batteries?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by Weird Harold   » Sat Nov 22, 2014 10:01 pm

Weird Harold
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cthia wrote:Another question. Did Alfredo Yu or Warner Caslet have any family in the Navy, that they may have been killing when they faced them across opposite missile batteries?

Alfredo, definitely not -- not blood relations at least.

I don't believe that Warner had any blood relations in the Navy either. Both had classmates and comrades remaining in the RHN that they may have faced in combat.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by John Prigent   » Sun Nov 23, 2014 7:20 am

John Prigent
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I never heard that song at all when I was in the British regular army. What we sang was usually in jest (I hope):'Why was he born so beautiful, why was he born at all? He's no b..... use to anyone, he's no b..... use at all'. Is there a US equivalent?

Weird Harold wrote:
cthia wrote:A question for anyone who has ever been in the armed forces. When singing ...

"For he's a jolly good fellow. For he's ..."

What is it for a woman? "For she's a jolly good," (person or lassie)?

In that context, "fellow" is genderless. At least in my experience which is extremely limited when it comes to that song.
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by Greentea   » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:53 am


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I'd love to know precisely what was wrong with Francesca Simoes. It was described in the book as "autism-like."

My personal head-cannon is that mathematics ability and empathic ability exist on similar mental channels, so it is hard to be good at both and they can spoof each other on aptitude tests. This would help explain why Honor sucks at higher math, as do treecats, but both are telempaths.

I wonder if the issue with Francesca was a sudden decrease in tested math ability. It would be deliciously ironic if the MAlign had been accidentally eliminating all of their proto-telempaths because the Forward Planning Committee didn't know how to spot the ability as it manifests. I can't wait for the MAlign to kick itself when it that learns Honor is a telempath and they accidentally eliminated most of the genetic line so it will be hard to figure out the mutations involved. It will also be fun when they analyze her intelligence profile (including scholastic performance) and realize what it resembles. :twisted:
Cup of tea? Yes, please.
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by kzt   » Mon Nov 24, 2014 1:13 am

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No, it was very bad at the end. Though if I was Simoes I'd have bolted with the girl off-planet, to someplace where someone might be able to figure out what was going on. Hmm, where might that be...
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by JohnRoth   » Mon Nov 24, 2014 12:36 pm


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Greentea wrote:I'd love to know precisely what was wrong with Francesca Simoes. It was described in the book as "autism-like."

My personal head-cannon is that mathematics ability and empathic ability exist on similar mental channels, so it is hard to be good at both and they can spoof each other on aptitude tests. This would help explain why Honor sucks at higher math, as do treecats, but both are telempaths.

I wonder if the issue with Francesca was a sudden decrease in tested math ability. It would be deliciously ironic if the MAlign had been accidentally eliminating all of their proto-telempaths because the Forward Planning Committee didn't know how to spot the ability as it manifests. I can't wait for the MAlign to kick itself when it that learns Honor is a telempath and they accidentally eliminated most of the genetic line so it will be hard to figure out the mutations involved. It will also be fun when they analyze her intelligence profile (including scholastic performance) and realize what it resembles. :twisted:

You may be thinking of Asperger's Syndrome, where relatively high intellectual performance is coupled with an inability to handle social cues properly. While it's classified as autism, that's only because the classifiers are dumping a lot of different conditions into the same bucket - nobody knows the underlying mechanisms of any of them.

As kzt said, Francisca Simoes' symptoms were similar to classic childhood autism, where the personality gradually regresses to an eventual vegetative state.
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by cthia   » Fri Nov 28, 2014 5:08 pm

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If excrement hits the fan and schit simultaneously hits the rotary air impeller, our beloved President :lol: has his doomsday plane ... r-war.html.

What is SOP for Elizabeth, Protector Benjamin, and President Pritchart during an attack, or a major invasion? Are they evacuated aboard atmospheric vehicles for long term survival and safety? It doesn't seem like underground bunkers would be an optimal contingency plan for standard operating procedure. I just always wondered where the heck do you put your Queen during a major invasion. You wouldn't want her taken out by errant debris or accidental tripping of Eridani Edict.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by roseandheather   » Fri Nov 28, 2014 6:49 pm


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cthia wrote:If excrement hits the fan and schit simultaneously hits the rotary air impeller, our beloved President :lol: has his doomsday plane ... r-war.html.

What is SOP for Elizabeth, Protector Benjamin, and President Pritchart during an attack, or a major invasion? Are they evacuated aboard atmospheric vehicles for long term survival and safety? It doesn't seem like underground bunkers would be an optimal contingency plan for standard operating procedure. I just always wondered where the heck do you put your Queen during a major invasion. You wouldn't want her taken out by errant debris or accidental tripping of Eridani Edict.

My best guess for Eloise is "park her in the middle of an unimpressed Capital Fleet" and let them deal with the problem, as - unlike Elizabeth - you can't shuffle her off to another planet in the same system. Or she could pull an Honor and get herself a small, hypercapable yacht - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what Haven One is - and park her somewhere in hyperspace until the threat has been appropriately dealt with. Failing that, if there's not time to evacuate, bury her as far underground and surrounded by as much ceramacrete as humanly possible.

As for the Queen, shuffle her off to whichever planet is farthest away from the problem if there's time. If there's not, same as Eloise - bury her. (I would not at all be surprised to hear of a super-secret, super-secure, super-un-blow-upable, and very well-appointed bunker buried beneath Mount Royal.)

As for Benjamin... armsmen. Lots and lots of armsmen. Post the Manticoran Alliance, however, Option Bunker or Option Park Him In Hyperspace may also be viable.

I serve at the pleasure of President Pritchart.

Javier & Eloise
"You'll remember me when the west wind moves upon the fields of barley..."
Re: Information I'd love to know
Post by fallsfromtrees   » Fri Nov 28, 2014 7:00 pm

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roseandheather wrote:
cthia wrote:If excrement hits the fan and schit simultaneously hits the rotary air impeller, our beloved President :lol: has his doomsday plane ... r-war.html.

What is SOP for Elizabeth, Protector Benjamin, and President Pritchart during an attack, or a major invasion? Are they evacuated aboard atmospheric vehicles for long term survival and safety? It doesn't seem like underground bunkers would be an optimal contingency plan for standard operating procedure. I just always wondered where the heck do you put your Queen during a major invasion. You wouldn't want her taken out by errant debris or accidental tripping of Eridani Edict.

My best guess for Eloise is "park her in the middle of an unimpressed Capital Fleet" and let them deal with the problem, as - unlike Elizabeth - you can't shuffle her off to another planet in the same system. Or she could pull an Honor and get herself a small, hypercapable yacht - in fact, I wouldn't be surprised if that's exactly what Haven One is - and park her somewhere in hyperspace until the threat has been appropriately dealt with. Failing that, if there's not time to evacuate, bury her as far underground and surrounded by as much ceramacrete as humanly possible.

As for the Queen, shuffle her off to whichever planet is farthest away from the problem if there's time. If there's not, same as Eloise - bury her. (I would not at all be surprised to hear of a super-secret, super-secure, super-un-blow-upable, and very well-appointed bunker buried beneath Mount Royal.)

As for Benjamin... armsmen. Lots and lots of armsmen. Post the Manticoran Alliance, however, Option Bunker or Option Park Him In Hyperspace may also be viable.

We know from textev that Elizabeth's private yacht is something on the order of a BC. I would be very surprised if Haven One is not something similar.

The only problem with quotes on the internet is that you can't authenticate them -- Abraham Lincoln

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