cthia wrote:Doesn't that remind you of the very special torpedo that Spock and McCoy worked on to zero in on the cloaked Romulan ship?
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Hmm. A long-range, low-range, low-speed gas guzzler?
Pardon the pun, but it sounds like the LDs might have a limited range, rather, a low gas-mileage with the air-conditioning (stealth) turned on. I suppose the Spider Drive is essentially the equivalent of a... very low speed gas hog? Huh? Running off of liquid helium? Perhaps the LDs are capable of much faster speeds, but they have to keep it below their version of "55" when gas mileage begins to suck hind teet. I wonder if the Spider Drive has an overdrive mode for efficiency. Except that overdrive for a Spider means slowing down or stopping completely. Huh? LOL
I suppose this is something Honor will figure out on the fly. The Spider and the Fly.
ThinksMarkedly's comment on the Heatsink is just conjecture based on physics, not based on anything we've seen in the series - RFC's remarks on the stealth suite and heat dissipation using the smart skin are cannon. Every major navy uses a variant of this system in their stealth system; the MAN has just perfected it to work by dissipating heat from the skin in a very narrow region of the skin to minimize detection.
Acceleration of spider drive ships are based off the ability of the Gravity plates to not kill their inhabitants, so all Spider drive ships have the same usable max acceleration. We've been told that acceleration ability of the spider drive actually scales with size, but this is irrelevant, as the Gravity plates limit the acceleration of all Spider Drive ships to a accel below their drive's max speed. The Malign has developed better Grav plates than the standard, but there it still limits the ship's accel, and, at max accel, can only be used in battle conditions with the crew in g-suits and g-couches.