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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 2438
Well, the comments have upended a few of my thoughts about what's going to happen. Well done, RFC. My thinking needs to be taken out, shaken up and then stirred vigorously at times.
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 362
Cthia, If you haven't gotten this title yet and read it, I don't really want to entirely spoil it for you. Yes, there is a battle scene. Not much of one, but there *is*. At least in space. There is plenty of on-planet action, but I don't see where it really contributes a lot to the "main story line" of the SERIES, or, for that matter, of the book itself. I already noted that no matter how good or bad this book may appear to be to the various readers, it's still, yes, going to be acquired just so they can say they have - and have read - the entire series. I don't really think it ties up much in the way of loose ends - at least not ones people probably *thought* of as loose, or advances the story line much. But it doesn't matter in the long run, I doubt whether one liked or disliked this particular book is going to significantly affect the sales of the *next* one. As for "new" tech, there's Ginger's ship. I won't say the tech it uses is actually new, but it *is* a different approach to a particular set of problems than what we've seen in the past. I think the biggest problem most of us - the ones that see a problem at all, that is - have with it is that about 85-90% of this book really *should* have appeared in previous volumes rather than now. There's just not the sense of continuity that one gets from the previous books in the series, even ones that include things that are happening concurrently in distant places. My gut feeling is that, unlike the previous books in the series, a reader totally new to the series probably isn't going to have the feeling of need to go out and get all the others like they most likely would if they started with *ANY* of the other books. While it was sooo long in time, and sooo many books (not just RFC's) ago that I started reading this series, I don't think I started with book 1. But where I did start motivated me to get all the previous books. To be honest, that's actually happened to me a LOT, since I often stumble upon some "not first in the series" title, read it, and then out of my way to find the rest. If I'd started in this series here, with this book, I know I wouldn't feel that way, especially if I hadn't read any *other* of RFC's books. I'm sure that's also happened to me before; reading some book out of order that didn't impress me, and thus not reading anything else written by that author. Or at least from that series. I'm also sure that I've probably missed some great books that way. But there are soooo many books out there, no one has time to read every one of them, so we make choices. If this had been my first Weber book, I probably wouldn't have read any other, at least none comprising part of a series. "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again."
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Re: SPOILERS==Excellent book. You should all buy it. | |
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Posts: 362
His "sons" I believe are clones of him. As I recall that was noted in a previous book. It was also inferred that his line did that just to make sure "deviation" didn't occur, or at least was minimalized. "Yield to temptation, it may not pass your way again."
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 1574
Disclaimer: I have not read the eARC, but plan to purchase the finished book.
From what I have read of reader's comments, I would draw the following conclusions: 1) The book title and the story both indicate this book is not a mainline story. 2) The book did not advance the plot, it thickened it!! and prediction: Now when an author thickens the plot, it's like a cook thickening a stew almost ready to serve, I expect a really good meal from all the mouth-watering aromas. Combine this with runsforcelery's intent to wrap up the storyline started in On Basilisk Station in the next book, plus his comments on how the whole Mesan Alignment storyline got brought forward by Eric Flint's short story From the Highlands in the Changer of Worlds anthology, the next book will be: A) A door-stopper book of a mainline story covering the fall of the Solarian League. This book will set up the Renaissance Factor as the front for the Mesan Alignment, but not include the Grand Alliance finding and dealing with Darius. (I expect that storyline to be another series, with Honor's children plus some of the other characters other than Honor--assuming that runsforcelery still wants to tell that story and can somehow fit another series in his writing schedule.) For a short synopsis of my prediction of what this book will cover, see the sentence in boldface type: Italics are the author's, boldface is my emphasis. Except that instead of covering the approach of an interstellar war, the book will cover the actual interstellar war, plus some of the aftermath fallout* resulting from the war and the agendas** of the various major players***. * Aftermath fallout is used here as what were the major changes (political, social, economic, etc.) resulting from the war, plus the evolution of the agendas of the various major players. ** Agenda is used here as not only what a player wants to accomplish, but also the actions that player performs in attempting to execute what they want to accomplish. *** Major player is used here as polities, transtellars, and other groups seeking advantage from the prewar status quo, the postwar status quo, or attempting to change the status quo from either the prewar or the new postwar status quo. That's probably way to much use of the phrase 'status quo', but I don't know of a better way of putting it. -------------------------------------------------------------
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes. |
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 37
RFC created a universe that is deep and wide. A lot of people act like they volunteered for the infantry and then discovered that they had to do a lot of walking.
![]() My problem is that I have trouble seeing how he can close the circle in one more book. There are an awful lot of threads in this tapestry yet to be woven in.... |
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 65
I had the same thought ![]()
I really expected the book would start there. Over all - sorry David, but this is the first book of this series i won't read a second time. |
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 2077
Not after the better part of two millennia. If it is to be changed, "...a nineteenth century composer named Lennon" comes to mind. |
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Re: SPOILERS==Excellent book. You should all buy it. | |
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Posts: 2425
In answer to your last question first, the answer is yes. In this case, the True Believer in question has raised an entire generation of successors --- all of whom are him genetically --- who he's been careful to involve in the decision making and direction process at the highest level for years. In answer to your point about showing a trace of conscience, his conscience is directed towards members of the Alignment (particularly inside the onion) and other citizens --- full citizens --- of Mesa. On the other hand, I don't think I've ever shown you a scene in which he's oblivious to the cost to any others who he considers to be "people" as opposed to game pieces. He truly values human life . . . as long as it belongs to people who belong to "his" core loyalty group. And he doesn't exactly exult on killing just about anyone. (He would willingly make an exception for that in HH's case, of course! ![]() In his judgment, once Mike and Lester are in-system and control the space around the planet, his chance of going to ground and ultimately making it to Darius are considerably less than good and the possibility of his existence being discovered would be disastrous for the master plan. That being the case, as a True Believer who's designated successor(s) is(are) already in place, on the job, and doing well, the logical course is to insure that there's absolutely no of his being discovered. And, in the process, to provide Audrey with the grist for her epilogue news story. "Oh, bother!" said Pooh, as Piglet came back from the dead. |
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 1574
Or maybe if it ends up misspelled in the future, "...a nineteenth century composer named Lemon". ![]() -------------------------------------------------------------
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes. |
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Re: SPOILERS==Shadow of Victory Comments, Queries and Opinio | |
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Posts: 42
I have to agree. Neither will I be purchasing the hard cover of this one. It read like an 800 page info dump of trimmed sections from previous stories, no real story to it except for (maybe) the polish planet. It it's case, I must admit somewhere around halfway through I hoped the star exploded and vaporized the planet... I sooooo didn't care what happened to any of them. |
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