SYED wrote:SHe is an adrenalin junkie, so how far will she push her stories and her self?
Do we think she will only ever stick to the know facts, or will she at some point start telling bold face lies? Stuff that clearly marks her as an alignment asset to the alliance. If she sticks to the truth then the alliance simply sees that all she has found so far is the alignment cover story.
The alliance, the alignment, the shutting down of the terminii, the actual conflict out in talbott and manticore. How far will she dig, investigate and repot? How far is she willing to push the alliance and the alignment, she must know the general idea of what the alignment wants her to report, but generally she has creative control.
SO how far will she push her employers with her stories jus to get that thrill from messing with the big dogs.
She built her reputation on the truth about political corruption and stupidity. So far, what we've seen is her going after the discrepancies about what Mesa's government said about the Ballroom after Green Pines, and what they're saying now. What I'm not seeing is why the MAlign wants her anywhere near the place.
It's one thing to make sure you've got all the planning right and have your cover story nailed down; it's quite another to then invite in people who have a reputation for finding out what's actually going on regardless of how well it's covered up.
The Greeks had a word for it: hubris.