SWM wrote:Zakharra wrote: Huh. I got the impression that Moriarty was being placed in the Beowulf system specifically because it was likely to be attacked by the SLN and that it would take about 2 months to get all of the installations in place and up and running. Which would place it in time for a live fire test on the SLN invasion fleet. It's going to take 2-3 months to get enough SLN SDs, DDs, CAs and other ships to have a chance at punching out the Beowulf SDF.
Yes, people have guessed that it would take only a couple months to install Moriarty. But some have suggested that the League could have a fleet at Beowulf sooner than that. After all, they had a fleet ready to go after Manticore, and we don't know what was done with it. So the question is how soon can the League attack?
That's something I've written about myself on the boards, SWM. Because it was enough of a threat that even Honor worried about it during Roger's and Rivka's wedding.
As for the "follow-on fleet' of approximatley 600 SD's, we really don't know where Tasmania is in relation to Beowulf, except that it takes several weeks, IIRC, to get a dispatch boat from Earth to Tasmaina.
So it would take several weeks to get the word to them, give it several days to prep, and whatever cruising time it is from Tasmania to Beowulf.
The other option is that Admiral Tsang (and presumably her 100 or so SD's) are in the Sol System. Add 40-50 SD's from "Home Fleet" (I am making a presumption that Earth, as the political center of the SL, along with numerous military HQ's, will have a substantial fleet presence...but I may be wrong on that) and you have a fairly hefty force.
Send out couriers to every system within 5 T-days travel that has a SD force. At an average of 7 LY/day (allowing acceleration and decel time), that covers everything within a 70 LY sphere from Sol, which should include a good chunk of the Core...and most BF units. Call it 200-250 SD's in reach.
Give them 48 hrs turn-around and 7 days travel to Sol, one week to integrate and plan, and one week to travel to Beowulf, and you could (if things went to schedule, which they probably won't) put 300-400 SD's in Beowulf in about a month.
So I really don't know which will be faster. The fastest is to take Tsang's force with any reinforcement in the Sol system and send them immediately out to Beowulf--that will undoubtedly beat the deployment of Mycroft, but would it be enough in the eyes of the SLN to risk it?
I guess we'll see come the next book...whenever that will be (yeah, I'm looking at you, RFC...