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GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets

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Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by n7axw   » Fri May 23, 2014 12:20 am

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SWM wrote:
n7axw wrote:Thank you, SWM for a very informative post. I want to make it clear that I am exploring ideas here, not arguing. That being said, I wonder...

If some sort of pinging might work, obviously not sonar in the vacuum of space. But perhaps with light or radio equiped drones. The thing is, the stealthed target would be made of material that would be heavily absorbant of whatever sort of detection device it was defending against. But it could be that a low freq radio wave would be absorbed differently by the target than it would be in the vacuum the surrounding space around the target which might be detectable.

If to build a bit on my previous post, using large numbers of drones in crisscrosing patterns should put some drones in a position to pick up heat signature of stealthed target. I presume designating a search pattern developed around last known location allowing for time of transmission from drones.

The key, I would think, would be to implement as many of these sorts of ideas as possible both high tech and low tech. The assumption is that the stealth will be defending against common and probable means of detection and could be vulnerable to something unexpected in the same way that someone with a pulse rifle can still be taken out by a rock from a slingshot coming from an unexpected direction. Most ideas will come up dry, but eventually something will strike paydirt.


Yes, one weakness of a holographic stealth system in the real world is that it is impossible to make it work efficiently at all possible wavelengths. It should be possible to find some wavelengths which it fails to work or produces excess radiation. But, you would have to study some examples of the technology to figure out which were the vulnerable frequencies. Without that prior knowledge, you would have to scan as many frequencies as possible yourself, in hopes of coming across it. That drastically reduces the efficiency of your search.

The heat signature will also be extremely hard to find. The text notes that waste heat is collected and radiated from a very small portion of the ship in a narrow beam. It doesn't give details, but the smartest solution would be to beam it as a maser. If the heat is radiated as a maser, you have almost no chance of spotting it unless you have really vast numbers of detector platforms--especially if the target is deliberately aiming the beam to avoid hitting any detectors it notices.

You're ideas on what to try are spot on. Unfortunately, that doesn't mean it would be easy, even if you found something that worked somewhat. If the system was done right, it could be really hard to find the vulnerability, and really hard to use that vulnerability, too.

Some other more esoteric ideas that have come up in past discussions include:
* using massively powerful tractor beams to scan for unidentified masses
* developing a kind of FTL comm sonar ping (active scanner)
* developing a detector for the odd interaction of the spider drive with the hyperspace interface (passive scanner)
The latter two are pure speculation about the physics of the Honorverse; there is no way to evaluate them without details known only to RFC. All three share the same basic problems that the other methods have--space is big, and it is hard to detect a tiny signal against the background noise.

I wholeheartedly agree with you on the difficulty level. I would add that doing something to meet the challenge might not produce immediate results, but folding ones hands and being passive about the problem guarantees that you will accomplish even less.

Another thought I come up with after my previous post... What if, instead of considering the stealthed target you packed your drones and LACs in tight against whatever target you are trying to defend, like say, under 100 million klicks and have your sensor shell increase in density the closer to the defended istallation. This idea obviously would't work for an entire planet, but I could see its utility for something like Hysphastus or even a fleet.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by The E   » Fri May 23, 2014 3:33 am

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Jonathan_S wrote:How did she pull that off anyway?

By using the command and control channels available to a fleet flagship to distribute fire plans during combat. All the ships in the fleet were already wired into a network set up to share and distribute fire control data.

While it may be possible to subvert those channels, it's rather trivial to make that process so hard as to not be worth pursuing for an attacker; the simple expedient of sharing a couple of GB of random data for use in a one-time-pad style encryption scheme before a battle would handily defeat or stymie most approaches.
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by munroburton   » Fri May 23, 2014 11:37 am


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The E wrote:
Jonathan_S wrote:How did she pull that off anyway?

By using the command and control channels available to a fleet flagship to distribute fire plans during combat. All the ships in the fleet were already wired into a network set up to share and distribute fire control data.

While it may be possible to subvert those channels, it's rather trivial to make that process so hard as to not be worth pursuing for an attacker; the simple expedient of sharing a couple of GB of random data for use in a one-time-pad style encryption scheme before a battle would handily defeat or stymie most approaches.

If a missile tech pretending to defect could penetrate StateSec shipboard security using a Corporal's passcode...

Because Tepes was lost with all hands, StateSec couldn't figure out their computer security monitoring protocols sucked against anyone skilled. And McQueen's conspiracy got around them - to the extent that they didn't find the plans in Capital Fleet CO's files even after her attempted coup, the plans Theisman used to finish the job.
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by kzt   » Fri May 23, 2014 12:27 pm

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munroburton wrote:
If a missile tech pretending to defect could penetrate StateSec shipboard security using a Corporal's passcode...

Because Tepes was lost with all hands, StateSec couldn't figure out their computer security monitoring protocols sucked against anyone skilled. And McQueen's conspiracy got around them - to the extent that they didn't find the plans in Capital Fleet CO's files even after her attempted coup, the plans Theisman used to finish the job.

There is an enormous difference between privilege escalation on a network you are physically attached to and have credentials and gaining access to that network from an unauthorized remote point without any credentials.
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by biochem   » Sat May 24, 2014 7:58 am

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kzt wrote:
munroburton wrote:
If a missile tech pretending to defect could penetrate StateSec shipboard security using a Corporal's passcode...

Because Tepes was lost with all hands, StateSec couldn't figure out their computer security monitoring protocols sucked against anyone skilled. And McQueen's conspiracy got around them - to the extent that they didn't find the plans in Capital Fleet CO's files even after her attempted coup, the plans Theisman used to finish the job.

There is an enormous difference between privilege escalation on a network you are physically attached to and have credentials and gaining access to that network from an unauthorized remote point without any credentials.

Given the level of incompetence and arrogance exhibited to date by senior brass from the SL it would not surprise me at all to find that complete and total external access is allowed with a single password protected entry and that the password is the word "password".
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by lyonheart   » Sat May 24, 2014 3:55 pm

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Hi Weird Harold,

The idea was that detecting the Spider's energy taps of hyper space from the other side would be much easier [not stealthed etc] than normal space where the Spider was actively trying to hide its signature.


Weird Harold wrote:
lyonheart wrote:It's also been suggested it might be easier to search for the spiders by going into hyper and looking for any distortion caused by the spider drive, then sending that data into normal via a relay ship etc.

Why go into Hyper? FTL Comm technology looks for small disturbances on the Alpha Wall so a spider drive in operation should reveal itself as static in FTL Comms as it "grabs" the Alpha Wall to pull itself along.

The GA already has the technology to detect Spider Drives, they just have to realize the similarities and develop the "FTL Radar" adaptation.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by samardza   » Sat May 24, 2014 4:01 pm


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My idea isn't to plant or take intel, it's simply to crash the system. That's why I think a drone could do it. And the timing, while not super important, could be useful, say 12 hours after almost simultaneous reports from a bunch of major fleet bases arrive reporting the same.
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by lyonheart   » Sat May 24, 2014 4:05 pm

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Hi Biochem,

Yup, I think RFC could have a lot of fun with this, and it'd be great to see Horace in action like IEH again. :D

Unfortunately doing it in person is too risky, but between Roszak, Beowulf, and the SLN 'hardware' they've been studying, who knows? 8-)


biochem wrote:
kzt wrote:**quote="munroburton"**

If a missile tech pretending to defect could penetrate StateSec shipboard security using a Corporal's passcode...

Because Tepes was lost with all hands, StateSec couldn't figure out their computer security monitoring protocols sucked against anyone skilled. And McQueen's conspiracy got around them - to the extent that they didn't find the plans in Capital Fleet CO's files even after her attempted coup, the plans Theisman used to finish the job.**/quote**
There is an enormous difference between privilege escalation on a network you are physically attached to and have credentials and gaining access to that network from an unauthorized remote point without any credentials.

Given the level of incompetence and arrogance exhibited to date by senior brass from the SL it would not surprise me at all to find that complete and total external access is allowed with a single password protected entry and that the password is the word "password".
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by Weird Harold   » Sat May 24, 2014 4:45 pm

Weird Harold
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lyonheart wrote:The idea was that detecting the Spider's energy taps of hyper space from the other side would be much easier [not stealthed etc] than normal space where the Spider was actively trying to hide its signature.

First, isn't one of the problems with navigation in Hyper that nothing from real-space is detectable in Hyper?

Secondly, what stealth? The spider drive isn't stealthed, it is just virtually undetectable by its very nature because nobody knows to look for it or what to look for.

So far, the only people who have tried looking for it haven't had any success in duplicating FTL Communications. The GA in general ans RMN in particular do have FTL Comm and equipment to read fine detail from the Alpha Wall; if a Spider drive does perturb the Alpha Wall when it "grabs" it, FTL Comm should be able to detect it.
Answers! I got lots of answers!

(Now if I could just find the right questions.)
Re: GA Strategy, Tactics and Targets
Post by Spacekiwi   » Sat May 24, 2014 6:43 pm


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Or worse. I have seen systems with no password, or the password is the username......
biochem wrote:
Given the level of incompetence and arrogance exhibited to date by senior brass from the SL it would not surprise me at all to find that complete and total external access is allowed with a single password protected entry and that the password is the word "password".

its not paranoia if its justified... :D

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