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Honerveres vs Trekies

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Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Emo Otaku   » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:07 am

Emo Otaku
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Mitchell, Esq. wrote:True...But I still want to see sceen in which the lost Trek ship's engineer looks at Hemphill and says " don't have matter to energy transporters? Replicators?" and she responds "You don't use an impeller wedge, a hyperdrive or gravitic based FTL communication? Yougottabefuckingkiddingme!"

And then they each sit back, and think "Heavy..." at which time Hemphill goes for the bong, and the trek engineer breaks out the 'shine.

It would be interesting to see what a HV naval architect could do with ST tech (and vice versa), once they'd got over the hangovers of course)

Sanity is merely the consensus of the Insane
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by viciokie   » Mon Apr 23, 2012 11:21 am

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pokermind wrote:Hi Alex,

Kinda off topic but there is crossover fan fic, and one I really enjoyed was Honorverse meets Battlestar Galactica I provide the link to the first chapter:

So if the writing bug bites you, you now know where to go to post and, as you note it would be interesting.


Alex wrote:Ok I have done the Dahak vs Deathstar thing. If you look on youtube you will see lots of Star Trek vs Star wars vids (Some are quite funny). So, back to the real question. War breaks out between the Honerverse and the Federation. Who wins?

You can even include the Solies against Trek. Might be fun to see how they stack up, especially against Klingon warbirds.


What would be interesting in this case would be to see the stunned reaction of the cylons viewpoint to see a BC eradicate 2 base stars with contemptuous ease and almost a 3rd not to mention the hundreds of cylon fighters that was treated as nothing more than gnats to be swatted. With luck the toasters head leader would realize he is totally out classed and draw his horns back in so to speak.
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Jonathan_S   » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:20 pm

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Castenea wrote:Another improbable is the range of a x-wing, as this single seat fighter is seen as going on interplanetary voyages in Empire Strikes Back. No Honorverse ship of that size could visit another planet in the same system, never mind another system. The X-wing is shown to be similar in size to an F-14 Tomcat, or AV-8B Harrier. The smallest military vessels shown to be used by Honor were pinnaces that are the size of modern Jumbo Jets, and basically only have range for surface to orbit and back.
That's a bit pessimistic on the range of a pinnace, they're certainly interplanetary. Here's a relivant quote
Field of Dishonor wrote:Unfortunately, they couldn't get to Gryphon from Hephaestus. The components of the Manticore Binary System were just past periastron, but the G0 and G2 companion stars were still almost eleven light-hours apart. Nike's pinnaces would have required two and a half Manticoran days to make the trip, which was twice their maximum life-support endurance with full troop loads.
So even with full troop loads a pinnace should make it roughly 5 light-hours. 5 light-hours is a bit more than a one way to Neptune.

And it implies that if you cut down the number of people onboard you could stretch that out further. (But obviously still nowhere near the range of a hyper capable x-wing)

I just assuming half time time = half the distance. That's probably not quite true, but when I tried playing around with acceleration calculations something seems off.

For a 11 light-hours = 2.5 day trip that means using only about 250g (peaking at 0.34c), which seems far too low compared to other accels we've seen out of pinnaces, or else a max speed of around maybe 0.2c (too many variable for me to bother calculating those numbers)
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Mitchell, Esq.   » Mon Apr 23, 2012 12:35 pm

Mitchell, Esq.

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Actually...more interesting than Hemphill & an engineer...

A Klingon with the hots for Adm. Gold Peaks.

"He sent me what?" Mike gasped.

"A sword of some kind, an alien animal, and a foul tempered one at that, with suggestions on how to consume it. Apparently do don't kill it first...and poetry. It's a story of a traveler who had gone a long way to find his beloved, who is a warrior princess. He woos her, fights a grand battle for her, and they fall in love, then die togther in a furious attack against great odds." said the Flag Lt.

"Honor will never let me live this one down..." Mike said.

"Well, cheer up, Admiral. Here, I'll get you a glass of something else he sent. Romulan Ale...looks like you need a double." said the steward.
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Charles83   » Mon Apr 23, 2012 2:27 pm

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Well I'm here for the fun and while I think some sci-fi universes can't be compared with any other (I think star trek is one of those very few that its has been modified so many times and it has so many deus ex machina stuff that it cant be compared), but others universes has some kind of similarity, the similarity between the honorverse and star wars is larger than you think it is, maybe because I'm a fan of both that I found the similarities, but I have read other works by other authors and while some of those can compare with each other some cant.

Now I'm going to get on some little speculation on why do I found star wars and the honorverse so alike, but remember that star wars have a lot less canon on its own technology than the honorverse so a lot of the explanation don't have all the "scientific facts" that RFC has put behind the theories on the honorverse.

The hyperspace on both universe is very much alike except for the grav waves, in the honorverse you need to make a translation into what they call the alpha band and up so you can travel FTL, in the star wars universe the hyperspace engine let you make a special kind of shield (my own term) who let you move your ship into another dimension where particles go a lot faster and by adding your own speed with the speed of that dimension you get into FTL in normal space, so putting it into the most layman term the hyperspace engine on SW make your ship enter into a dimension where particles move faster, the more powerful the drive the faster you can go because you could get into a higher range of particles who go even faster and be safe, so is like traveling into the alpha bands beta bands etc etc without the translation issue, both in the honorverse and in SW if you try to fly in hyperspace through a solid object, you become dust.

FTL comunications in the honorverse is done using gravitics who are part of hyperspace, in SW you launch a laser with a shield who make the laser travel throught hyperspace to the next relay and that way you get FTL communications, of course in SW the system is so developed that you can contact other planets hundreds of light years away, but if ever our ladies of doom discover how to send info between normal space and the alpha band they can do the same as star wars, they put a buoy in normal space who transmit to a buoy in the alpha band and that one to the beta band and so on until you can put 2 bouys that can comunicate effectively instantly even though you are having comunications between manticore and Nouveau Paris.

In weaponry little by little I see the honorverse deploying bow walss or stern walls apart from the sidewall and the top and bottom wedge, what if after more investigations they can control this and really make shields who are so powerfull that you need extremely heavy weaponry that its mostly going to be grazers and laser generated from within a ship with fusion plants and a lot more power than a single nuclear bomb can give to breach those new "Shields" that the ships on the honorverse are going to have. So missiles at one point are going to become obsolete because they wont have enough power to slice through those new "Shields" and that will make the weaponry of the honorverse evolve into mostly energy based weaponry who need to be fired from capital ships since the energy budgets are huge.

I know that some of the points specially on the star wars side are a little bit sketchy since star wars dont have a fully formal tech bible, but I see the honorverse as the beginning of a lot of stuff that "could" evolve into some of the technologies that are used on star wars.

I dont see the same with star trek and I like to watch star trek because its fun, I also liked Babylon 5, and several other space programs, (dont remember the names but there were a couple more) and I enjoy reading books a lot, I have read asimov foundation books, all of them, I have read dune, in little I like Sci-fi but very few authors have universes that are so developed as star wars, star trek and the Honorverse, jack campbell with the lost fleet is developing a big universe also but is still early to say how successful it will be, also while I think is something of what RFC calls military porn you have also the Thomas Deprima books, so some authors are trying to get into the major leagues of the sci-fi universes but so far there is only 3 series on that league and those are SW, ST and the HV.

This is in part my opinion but is also why I think a comparission between the honorverse and star trek is not feasible, a comparission between star wars and Honorverse could have some merits with some minor assumptions since there are several sci-fi facts who are close enough that you dont need to make a really big jump to equalize one universe with the other. Thats why in my post I think that a fight between SW and HV will be more of a fight on who is a better strategist and tactician than to some sort of godly technology, and having said that I think the honorverse have more admirals in the navy who are really genius level than star wars (So far I count at least 3 genius level admirals and several exceptional, on my own opinion), so far in the star wars universe there is only 5 admirals who are genius level and 3 of those are already dead and we dont have any info on exceptional admirals on the SW universe.
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Tenshinai   » Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:40 am


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Emo Otaku wrote:Of course its all fluff, we know that the tech in most of these different universes is incompatable, but the main point is its FUN (plus it lets us all get our geek credentials out).

We come to these boards for many reasons, to discuss future plots, past events, make up new tech idea's for other board members or MWW to shoot down, or any of a thousand other reasons (not minor is which our secret masochism as RFC tortures us with various snippets, and hints). But we come from all over the world to chat, discus, agree, disagree, get angry whatever, and we have fun we make friends we'll probably never meet and we enjoy ourselves.

Besides which everone knows that the RMN would win :) (unless the federation starts assigning Magic Girls to its ships ;))

Heh, damn i think you may have uncovered the deus ex plot for the next ST movie...
I mean, they WOULD have them... ^_^
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Alyeska   » Wed Apr 25, 2012 8:50 pm


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HUmm, I think something people are forgetting, ST ships use litteraly an insane amount of energy. THay are powered by matter/anti-matter interaction. There weapondry is designed and based on the basic technology of extreamly high energy use, shields and the like. HV is actualy a reletivly low energy use system. A ship is powered basicly by two reactors, maybe three. A ST ship might manage to limp along at a quarter impulse with the entire energy budget of a HV SD. Humm, ctualy, if I remember right, some of the ST ship designs have fusion reactors as backups so thay can run lifesupport and low level impulse power.
The power behind the HV lasers are miniscule, yes, even the grazers. As such, the laserheads of the missiles would also be prettymuch useless. On the other hand, the HV ships could set the missiles for direct impact on the ST ship, and that level of kenetic impact would quick enough take out a ST ship.
Yet, at the same time, the ST ship's beam weapons could, once thay got in range, cut up the HV ship, yes, even through the wedge. The basic thing the wedge does against a laser is distort where it goes. ST computers have the comp power to figure out how to still make the phasers hit.
On the other hand, the ST ships would be toast against the wedges themselves, even something like a cm could take out the ST ship, by running the wedge through the ST ship. Matter is matter, and it has predictable reactions to gravetic stresses. St shields also do not shield from gravity, far as I remember at lest.
It really is sorta apples vs blue. the HV is a realistic take on the potentials of warfare in the future. ST is high fantasy scifi.

Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Emo Otaku   » Thu Apr 26, 2012 6:31 am

Emo Otaku
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Tenshinai wrote:
Emo Otaku wrote:Of course its all fluff, we know that the tech in most of these different universes is incompatable, but the main point is its FUN (plus it lets us all get our geek credentials out).

We come to these boards for many reasons, to discuss future plots, past events, make up new tech idea's for other board members or MWW to shoot down, or any of a thousand other reasons (not minor is which our secret masochism as RFC tortures us with various snippets, and hints). But we come from all over the world to chat, discus, agree, disagree, get angry whatever, and we have fun we make friends we'll probably never meet and we enjoy ourselves.

Besides which everone knows that the RMN would win :) (unless the federation starts assigning Magic Girls to its ships ;))

Heh, damn i think you may have uncovered the deus ex plot for the next ST movie...
I mean, they WOULD have them... ^_^

ST ships do have plenty of space on the brige for the transformation sequence (one of the laws of anime - A Magic Girls Power is proportional to the Number of Pirouettes in her transformation/attack)

OR if there are no Magic Girls available maybe the Federations can hire Lynn Minmay to sing the enemy into surrender

Sanity is merely the consensus of the Insane
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by twistedpuppy   » Thu Apr 26, 2012 8:24 pm

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Mitchell, Esq. wrote:Actually...more interesting than Hemphill & an engineer...

A Klingon with the hots for Adm. Gold Peaks.

"He sent me what?" Mike gasped.

"A sword of some kind, an alien animal, and a foul tempered one at that, with suggestions on how to consume it. Apparently do don't kill it first...and poetry. It's a story of a traveler who had gone a long way to find his beloved, who is a warrior princess. He woos her, fights a grand battle for her, and they fall in love, then die togther in a furious attack against great odds." said the Flag Lt.

"Honor will never let me live this one down..." Mike said.

"Well, cheer up, Admiral. Here, I'll get you a glass of something else he sent. Romulan Ale...looks like you need a double." said the steward.

Actually, it might be more like the scene from "Galaxy Quest" if Artemis'wedge is too close to the transporter beam:

Klingon Admiral Ketrick, hearing screams from Artemis'flag bridge after transporting his tokens of affection for Admiral Gold Peak:

"Lady Gold Peak, is everything alright there?"

"Yes... yes... everything is fine..." Michelle replied in a shaky voice.

"But the animal is inside out," said Gwen.


"And it exploded."

Heck, the Klingon admiral might be lauded on Klinshai for inventing new cuisine.
Re: Honerveres vs Trekies
Post by Mitchell, Esq.   » Thu Apr 26, 2012 10:46 pm

Mitchell, Esq.

Posts: 806
Joined: Wed Dec 08, 2010 9:14 pm

twistedpuppy wrote:Actually, it might be more like the scene from "Galaxy Quest" if Artemis'wedge is too close to the transporter beam:

Klingon Admiral Ketrick, hearing screams from Artemis'flag bridge after transporting his tokens of affection for Admiral Gold Peak:

"Lady Gold Peak, is everything alright there?"

"Yes... yes... everything is fine..." Michelle replied in a shaky voice.

"But the animal is inside out," said Gwen.


"And it exploded."

Heck, the Klingon admiral might be lauded on Klinshai for inventing new cuisine.

Klingon Admiral is in conference with his science officer and lead transporter tech to determine how to do that by design.

It's fascinating!

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