Theemile wrote:It also brings back the discussion about spider drive ships using a wormhole - the spider would need to be shut down to bring up Alpha nodes - 40 minutes later. Approaching a wormhole would need to be done on fusion thrusters alone, since i doubt someone would allow you to coast on an approach vector at a wormhole for 40+ minutes.
Jonathan_S wrote:Assuming that that's how spider ships access wormholes.
All we really have is RFC's tum-te-tum and this snippet from a 2012 post in the thread "Obstacles".(The bulk of the post was detailing why the Sharks linked themselves together before hypering in for Oyster Bay)runsforcelery wrote:(1) Spider drive ships can make transit into and out of hyper --- or through a wormhole --- just fine, thank you
Sure, maybe the use Alpha nodes and a sail. Maybe the spider drive itself can be used within a grav wave or wormhole entry/exit lane, and that provides the necessarily stabilization against turbulence. Either (or something else entirely) could fit under "just fine, thank you" -- so we just don't know.
Speaking of the spider drive, this might be a good time to remind ourselves of these remarks by the author, which could mean the secret of the drive and its detection might soon be discovered:Theemile wrote:Good catch on that. I missed that confirmation.
That just leaves us with the murky question of How it's done... great...
From Spoiler!!... Mycroft and UH
Next page:runsforcelery wrote:On the other side, Shannon and Sonja and their people have pretty much worked out what the spider drive does; they just don't have a clue yet how to do it themselves. Of course, with the Demonic Duo involved, the "how" will probably follow fairly closely on the heels of "what."
Weird Harold wrote:It isn't the FTL comm's grav pulses that intersect with the Spider Drive, it is the faint ripples along the Alpha (or next higher hyper-band) where they intersect. FTL comm receivers are sensitive enough to detect and decode those ripples, and IMHO, Spider Drive should manifest as "static" on FTL comms.
JohnRoth wrote:Actually, I expect that they should be filtered out in the process of cleaning up the signal.
runsforcelery wrote:Eyup.