penny wrote:Well, I can't let you guys let me off the hook so easily. I was actually thinking the beam itself might be visible. At least in segments since I posited a firing duration of 3 seconds giving enough time for the solar wind to blow dust, micrometeorites, etc. into the field.
Inter-planetary medium is about 5 particles/cm³ in the vicinity of Earth. Assuming the Principle of Mediocrity, that should be about the same in any stellar system around the habitable zone of any star. How many of those particles are hit depends on the width of the beam.
If I'm right and it's hair thin (let's say 1 mm² cross-section, and no, hair is much thinner than that) and ignoring dispersion and divergence, a beam crossing 10,000 km has crossed a volume of 100 m³. In that volume, there should be 5,000,000 particles to get excited by the high-intensity X-ray-range laser beam, and re-radiate the energy in random directions. I think you're right and this would be highly visible.
And if tlb is right and the beam has an 80-cm diameter, then there would be about 8 million more particles: 40 trillion particles.
And of course, I thought the assembly, housing such a massive and powerful graser, would get very hot too; aligning with Thinksmarkedly's thinking.
Haven't we got textev about cooling issues at max rate of fire or something? Or mounts melting?
And the outspalling and reflectivity that Theemile speaks of, I can see being magnified bouncing off back and forth on the shattered debris illuminating it as well. At any rate, I thought the Captain of an LD wouldn't want to take a chance at any tell tale signs of using an energy weapon as opposed to the destruction of the RDs via "slamming into a wall."
Damned if you do, damned if you don't. The "slamming into a wall" will also be visible. I happen to think shooting it before it gets too close is safer.
I don't think that would give the LD too much of an advantage, rather than making the MAN more than a mere paper tiger or obese gorilla. At least until a spider drive detector is devised. I'm all for letting the MAN run amuck for a few chapters / books just to keep the finale interesting. Go out with a bang.
Same here, but I don't think it requires giving them that advantage. They can do a lot of damage from very far away.