cthia wrote:That's when the honeymoon is over between Haven and Manticore and the bride and groom has a chance to actually feel each other out and see if matrimony was the right move. It is when the bride and groom has to face each other in day to day life. When Haven still has to figure out how to feed its many people.
I'm pretty sure Haven (the Republic thereof) doesn't have an issue with keeping its people fed.
I expect that most planets are self-sufficient for food, although in extreme cases the food for the lower parts of society are vat-grown products, that provide the necessary nutrients and calories, but aren't really the sort of thing anybody wants to eat if there's an alternative.
For that matter, it'd be extremely inhumane, but regeneration therapies could theoretically be applied to food animals. That probably wouldn't be cost effective, though.
Economically speaking ... Haven's only going to improve, Manticore's got a shaky period (thanks to Oyster Bay) but will massively improve once they're past the worst of it.
Frankly, Grayson's the place that's the most screwed - they don't really have any major exports, although they were selling ships and components to Manticore prior to Oyster Bay, and they don't have any clear alternative sources of system revenue like Manticore does with the Junction.
Frankly, with the Junction (and only ever increasing traffic through it), and the massive might of the Manticoran Merchant Marine, the trading/manufacturing cartels, and being a major interstellar banking hub (and probably a major hub for interstellar news agencies as well), I'm not sure why Manticore had to raise taxes.