Huh, I'd not recalled that infodump, thanks. I don't think a lot of CLAC's were destroyed, I'm not going to reject the 1920 infodump figures or HoS totals, and I don't think CLAC's were decommissioned by Janacek in vast amounts (too recent and too critical to the "Hemphill Paradigm"). Given all of that, we're left with sucking up the surprise of jumping up in CLAC count radically in a couple years. The infodump figures don't include units that were under construction - including construction on effective hold - at the time, so maybe much of that lump was just those not-quite-finished CLAC's completed in the late Janacek and early Alexander-Harrington Admiralties.Sigs wrote:JeffEngel wrote:So - between them, in 1922 at least, 142+ CLAC's minus some losses (but not many; CLAC's don't come under much fire). I don't think that 106+ in the RMN in 1922 is too compatible with
42 in 1920. It's not logically impossible, but it's a real stretch, and if it is the case, it means that the 42 total figure and 16 in the Home System do still represent a short and exceptional period.
Well the Fleet strength as of 1920 stated that there are 42 CLAC's, which to me means that in the time frame between 1920 and 1922 the RMN more than tripled their carrier strength, a lot of CLAC's were destroyed before 1920, the Fleet Strength numbers wrong or a lot of those CLAC's were decommissioned by the High Ridge government and/or sold off to Allies or a combination of all those things.
Someone with War of Honor at their fingertips may be better able to say.
Right. CLAC's and wings aren't a special element for emergencies - they'd be no more or less likely to be drawn out, or drawn out alone, than most other comparable elements. (Well - if you want maximum ooomph per hyper transit, a CLAC and wing is likely a better choice than a comparable SD(P).)
I am using one instance in time to gage the fleet strength of home fleet because as far as I know that is the most detailed breakdown of Home Fleet in the series prior to the Battle of Manticore. As for CLACs being there as a reserve to draw from, it would require that SD(P )'s also be part of the reserve as well as lighter escort ships. Having only CLAC's as your reserve seems like a bad idea, and raiding Home Fleet for SD's, BC's and escorts to send out as reinforcements also does not make too much sense, I realize it has been done but doing something repeatedly and for good reason does not necessarily mean it stops being a bad idea.
Also when I refer to Aircraft Carriers and Fighters I am referring to the relationship between the carrier and its aircraft or in the case of LAC's the carrier and its LAC's. I am using fighters as a generic term for the aircraft of the carrier, I know its wrong and from this point on I'll try to remember to refer to them as simply aircraft. It is true that a CLAC could drop off its LAC's in a system with an ammunition ship and leave them there but then again a Japanese Helicopter Destroyer can drop off its aircraft on land as long as they drop off ammunition and fuel stores.
The helicopter carrier analogy may be more apt, just because helicopters are slower and less picky about their landing facilities than jets.