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My God! My God, the seccies have guns!

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Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by n7axw   » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:28 pm

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SharkHunter wrote:--snipping--
kzt wrote:The whole objective is to end the rebellion. Taking the building room by room and floor by floor is a possible way of doing this, but a highly suboptimal way. If for no other reason than you have a very small force that can't absorb the scale of losses you will incur. Assuming that they don't just desert, which isn't a safe assumption if you are feeding them into a meat grinder.

Turning the building into a 50 meter high pile of rubble is another way of solving the problem, and was certainly doable.
We're agreeing. General Drescher definitely agrees, but they used a TOO big hammer the first time when they blew away the Hancock tower. Then the civilian authorities won't let the MPP use ANY hammers at all, and finally they get around to saying "use hammers but don't blow away the stuff under the tower", likely because someone pointed out "your KEW's (or tower collapse?) dig a crater too deep, a significant chunk of our city will be without power. These towers are supposed to dwarf the WTC, requiring countergrav to build, after all.

The political calculus was why Thandi was sure that they could hold out for a decent amount of time, until the KEW's started falling. Before it happened though, both Duesek and Drescher realized that the spark in Neu Rostok had ignited an unstoppable war: the powers that be had committed 1/4 of the entire planet's MPP to take out ONE tower in ONE secce district near ONE city.

AKA it's a good thing that an invasion fleet captured the high orbitals before things REALLY got out of hand. In fact, I'd think that the good General probably wiped her brow in relief that "the Calvary" arrived and ended her part of the fight.

I have a sense that within the limits of her worldview, Drescher was actually a decent person who didn't much like what her orders were calling her to do.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by kzt   » Fri Feb 13, 2015 6:44 pm

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n7axw wrote:I have a sense that within the limits of her worldview, Drescher was actually a decent person who didn't much like what her orders were calling her to do.

That was pretty clear. What she should have done is resigned. But very few people will when pushed.
Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by Vince   » Fri Feb 13, 2015 7:01 pm

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kzt wrote:
n7axw wrote:I have a sense that within the limits of her worldview, Drescher was actually a decent person who didn't much like what her orders were calling her to do.

That was pretty clear. What she should have done is resigned. But very few people will when pushed.

And if she did resign, would whoever replace her be worse?
History does not repeat itself so much as it echoes.
Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by saber964   » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:56 pm


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If you want to read up on what it must have been like for MPP fighting in Hancock and Rostok towers read up on the Warsaw Uprising and the Battle of Berlin.
Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by stewart   » Sat Feb 14, 2015 8:56 pm

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Vince wrote:"kzt"]"n7axw"]
I have a sense that within the limits of her worldview, Drescher was actually a decent person who didn't much like what her orders were calling her to do.

That was pretty clear. What she should have done is resigned. But very few people will when pushed.[/quote]
And if she did resign, would whoever replace her be worse?[/quote]


And in some militaries, and in some societies, those who resign are sometimes found to have an "accident"

-- Stewart
Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by SharkHunter   » Sat Feb 14, 2015 9:37 pm

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various wrote:I have a sense that within the limits of her worldview, Drescher was actually a decent person who didn't much like what her orders were calling her to do.
That was pretty clear. What she should have done is resigned. But very few people will when pushed....

And if she did resign, would whoever replace her be worse?

I'm actually glad she didn't resign, plot wise. She might have just be acceptable to the invading space naval forces as the highest ranking officer of all the Mesan forces, given that she's the only one that didn't condone military on civilian brutality and seems to have fought within the acceptable limits of her civilian orders [though that included KEW drops].

All my posts are YMMV, IMHO, and welcoming polite discussion, extension, and rebuttal. This is the HonorVerse, after all
Re: My God! My God, the seccies have guns!
Post by n7axw   » Sat Feb 14, 2015 11:15 pm

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SharkHunter wrote:
various wrote:I have a sense that within the limits of her worldview, Drescher was actually a decent person who didn't much like what her orders were calling her to do.
That was pretty clear. What she should have done is resigned. But very few people will when pushed....

And if she did resign, would whoever replace her be worse?

I'm actually glad she didn't resign, plot wise. She might have just be acceptable to the invading space naval forces as the highest ranking officer of all the Mesan forces, given that she's the only one that didn't condone military on civilian brutality and seems to have fought within the acceptable limits of her civilian orders [though that included KEW drops].


Without going back and looking, I'm of the impression that the officers of the Peaceforce were generally a lot more professional in their approach which would include a distaste for unnecessary brutality toward civilians. Both of the other two security forces jumped enthusiasticly into the mayhem which included mandated killing of civilians until they got their noses bloodied.

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.

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