ThinksMarkedly wrote:cthia wrote:I disagree again. It only showed that mass production was in progress. Again, Theisman would be remiss if he didn't consider that OB killed that missile production.
Oyster Bay didn't happen until 9 months later.
Missiles would also have been forward deployed to Trevor's Star. After all, that's where Eighth Fleet was based. That's where it would rearmed. Eighth wasn't returning to Manticore to rearm and then go back through the Junction. It's far easier to move the pods through the Junction.
The point that you're missing is that neither do the Manties control Haven's orbitals, and as it stands 8th Fleet has to go through the motions to control Peep orbitals. Since Honor knocked out Chin. Eloise may go ahead and throw in the towel, for certain. Without the need for a final sortie by 8th Fleet, however much time that would take, and whatever innovations Shannon prouduced. Honor likes to be clearly decisive, and I don't blame her.
You don't want to have to count on your enemy's sanity being equal to your own.
First of all, stop calling them Peeps. There hadn't been a People's Republic for 7 years. Thinking of them as Peeps was a serious mistake in the Manticoran intelligence and the bad psychology led to bad assumptions and bad decisions. And if there was one officer who wasn't thinking of the Havenites as Peeps any more, it was Honor.
Anyway, as I've said above, if Chin had extricated 90 of the 100 SD(P)s she brought into the battle instead of 30, the extra 60 ships would only be 20% more to the RHN TOE. And many of them had already been damaged, requiring repairs, so they wouldn't be immediately combat-effective. True, Bolthole was churning ships like there was no tomorrow and Theisman had 300 older SDs whose crews could migrate to new SD(P)s, but 700 SD(P)s wouldn't be sufficient to stop the Alliance any more.
Destroying the infrastructure in Manticoran planets would have, since it would have made the Alliance conserve resources (Monica had already happened, so Manticore had to think of what to do with the League). Since that didn't happen, the war ended.
The RMN had been wrecklessly spending their stockpile on wasted demonstrations on a thickheaded gorilla who still didn't get it. One thing 'Cat philosophy would never have adopted is demonstration launches. Apollo missiles were still limited after BoM, that is part of the carrot Eloise used to entice Beth into an alliance so they could "save those godawful missiles for Solarians." I'm not saying Theisman would be correct in the assumption. But what's new on that horizon.
Let's get something straight. Haven has, and always will be, Peeps, to me. I don't like them, and I never will. Perhaps I have a bit more Winton blood coursing through my veins than even Beth. The Peeps were a disgusting lot, with no morals, scruples or values. The leopard's spots will return with a new government. I couldn't have been more upset than when the Federation made peace with the Klingons.
Remember, I'm not suffering from Stockholm Syndrome.