Weird Harold wrote:JohnRoth wrote:Fleet train (ammo, supply, etc.) ships are always supplied with military hyper generators, particle shields and inertial compensators exactly so they can keep up. This is spelled out somewhere in the books.
Yep, fleet train needs to be upgraded to Streak Drive if you're going to upgrade to Streak Drive across the board. Nobody has asserted any opinion on where they should be prioritized. IMHO, they should be ahead of SDs and possible even ahead of battle cruisers.
With the exception of ammunition colliers, the rest of the fleet train only goes with SDs, so that gives you an idea of where they need to be in the priority list. Ammunition colliers, of course, go with other major deployments and are also needed for regular station resupplies, so they need to be fairly early in the priority queue.
Weird Harold wrote:JohnRoth wrote:Wrong. The advanced inertial compensator is the reason why Manticoran SDs are as big as they are with the acceleration figures they have. A regular mil-spec inertial compensator on a ship that size would have truly pitiful acceleration.
A quick look at House of Steel and comparing the Sphinx and Gryphon class SDs (old compensators) with the Medusa and Invictus class pod SDs will show you the difference.
Medusa and Invictus SD(P)s would be big no matter how efficient their compensators are. The size increase has far more to do with combat capability than it does tactical speed.
The improved compensator gave them both combat capability and acceleration but combat capability is the trump card.
Warship design is always a game of tradeoffs --- you can never have everything you want in a usable ship. See the US Navy's new littoral (coastal) defense ship as an example of "white knight" syndrome. Would the RMN have made the podnaughts as big as they did if the size had come at a significant cost in acceleration? It's hard to say, but I'd do the tradeoff the other way. Only RFC knows for sure.