Zakharra wrote: If I remember right, Rob Pierre embraced bloody revolution because he hated the Legislative government so much. As has been said, he embraced bloody revolution with both hands and he knew exactly who he had working with him. He had to know what St.Just and Cordelia were like when he offered them power. He was alright with the reign of terror that State Security enforced on the PRH. He had absolutely no problem killing any and everyone in his way for the path he wanted for Haven.
To say he didn't know or there wasn't that much blood spilled is being very disingenuous and not in line with the lore of the series at all. Rob Pierre was a bloody handed tyrant that ruled with an iron
Bloody Revolution maybe, but I don't think he wanted the Reign of Terror that it spawned.
Yes he knew the type of people who were allied with him, he said so at the tennis court meeting, many were their for personal power.
I never said that he didn't know what was happening, or that there wasn't that much blood. I said he didn't
want it to happen like it did, except for the intial bloodletting to do away with the old government. I think once they were gone he would have rathered got down to the reforms, but the mobs wanted more and he feared the mobs.
Zakharra wrote: The leadership, the military, the planetary system leaders and anyone that looked to be a threat, the list goes on. State Security, under Rob Pierre's reign became a truly feared state organization on par with the KGB and its previous incarnations. A state sponsored organization based on using terror and fear to control the military and politicos. Remember how much in fear the members of the Haven navy were of State Sec. Rob Pierre wasn't loved by many, but feared and hated. He ruled through the applied use of terror and fear.
The Navy feard them because of the circumstances, but remember, he was in favor of lessening the pressure on them when McQueen pushed it.
I am not saying Pierre was a great man in what he did, I am not disagreeing that he took actions that are wrong, I am saying that I feel that he didn't want to go that far, and wouldn't have if he had the option.