On Basilisk Station"Jesus, Andreas!" Hayne Duvalier, Captain Reynaud's liaison to Venizelos's customs party, stared at him in patent disbelief. "You wouldn't really have fired into him. . . would you?"
"Yep," Venizelos said. "But—" "I'm only doing my job, Hayne."
"I know, but for Chrissake, Andreas! We haven't enforced the com regs out here in— Hell, I don't think they've ever been enforced! ACS never had the manpower for it."
"I know." Venizelos turned his chair to face him. "In fact, since I got here, I've started to realize that a lot of things that should have been done never have. I'm not faulting Captain Reynaud and your people, either. It's not your job—it's ours, and we haven't been doing it. Well, we're doing it now."
"Somehow I sort of doubt your captain's going to thank you for all the ruckus it's going to raise," Duvalier said dubiously.
"Maybe not, but she gave me my orders, and one thing I can tell you about Commander Harrington, Hayne—when she gives an order, she expects it to be obeyed. Period."
"Sounds like a real hardass to me," Duvalier grumbled.
"Oh, she is," Venizelos said with a smile. "In fact, I'm just starting to realize how hard a hardass she is. And you know something, Hayne? I like it."
Another really favorite, and quite touching passage, from the masterpiece that is