DarkEnigma wrote:Um... The parity in which Lester Tourville swatted Home Fleet like an annoying fly and came a hair's-breadth from accepting Queen Elizabeth's unconditional surrender from Manticore orbit. That parity.
That has nothing to do with parity. It´s a matter of trying to make sure that you have local superiority of forces.
In case you don´t remember, they managed that by reducing their defenses, not because they had superior forces.
And they used force multiplier tricks as well as using numerical superiority to offset their INFERIORITY.
DarkEnigma wrote:Ad hominem attacks aside
Yes well it´s a bit impossible to attack such extremely bad ideas without any overflow.
There are however no personal attacks, as i specifically phrased it to avoid that.
But i´m sure you noticed that considering that it is your native language.
DarkEnigma wrote:can anyone explain to me why Haven is worthy of Manticore's trust?
Why shouldn´t they be?
Not that that matters at all, this is a matter of realpolitik. Why do you think Pritchart and Elizabeth comment on how nothing but a total alliance would work?
And BOTH of THEM already KNOW that the other is trustworthy(AND have treecat confirmation on this), and that much/most of their wars were manufactured by the Malign.
DarkEnigma wrote:Whether under the Legislaturalists, the CPS, or the new Republic, Haven has time and time again shown by its actions a propensity for underhanded tactics.
Riiight. By that thinking i should blame you for my nations loss of colonies in what´s now USA and the West Indies...
Just as it would also prove that you are guilty of slavery because hey, your country was guilty of that in the past. Beacuse obviously, changing rulers or regimes in between doesn´t make aaanny difference at all, any more than it matters that you weren´t alive at the time...
Eh, no. That´s just crazy.
DarkEnigma wrote:Yes, Haven and Manticore need to put aside their grievances to face a mutual threat in Mesa.
Grievances mostly CAUSED by Mesa.
DarkEnigma wrote:But to just pretend that Grendelsbane or the Battle of Manticore or the assassinations or Arnold Giancola didn't happen is, IMHO, foolish of Elizabeth.
Ehm... Right, the asassination of Giancola... Yeah, mustn´t forget that.
Arnold died in what is specifically and clearly a random accident. It was part of Pritcharts problem, that she could no longer take action against him to find out if he was a Mesan agent or not.
DarkEnigma wrote:Also, as I've said before, the fall of the Legislaturalists and the CPS are still recent history and the Republic is young and fragile. Who's to say that yet another revolutionary movement won't put a pulser through Pritchart's head and take over (only now with the benefit of Manticoran national secrets and Treecats)?
And you think the Haven military would just go along with that do you? After Theisman having had several years to root out the bad folks?
And seriously, you actually think treecats will just sit down, shut up and do as they´re told and support people that killed those they were meant to guard?
Treecats are people, independent and very much sentient beings on their own.
DarkEnigma wrote:My point, however, is that, looking at it from Manticore's perspective and without benefit of that foreknowledge, Haven has yet to prove it is anything more than a hive of scum and villainy
Have you actually read the books at all?
DarkEnigma wrote:I still maintain that Pritchart's authorization of Thunderbolt and Beatrice were born of greed or pride
That said, I suppose Elizabeth does have a moral responsibility to be the "bigger person," despite all Haven's provocations