Erls wrote:People seem to be back on topic discussing the future of the SLN. Here is how I see a re-formed SLN being composed:
1) The SLN will completely reorganize their naval forces. No longer will there be a Battle Fleet and a Frontier Fleet. Instead, there will an Active Duty Fleet and a Guard Fleet. The ADF will have its HQ in the Sol system (of course), but will have major naval bases spread throughout SL space so that 90% or so of the member systems are within 2 weeks transit. The GF will be more akin to the American National Guard, with the units based in each member's systems and manned by the inhabitants of that system. Each regional base will be supported by multiple systems capable of building and servicing every class of ship, and those systems will get steady orders for work.
Quick reality check: 2 weeks transit, not counting wormholes or streak drive, seems to be about 100 light-years (1 light-century) [Earth-Beowulf is 50 light-years and takes about a week]. So each base would cover a volume of 4/3 * pi * 1^3 = 4.2 cubic light-centuries. The SL appears to be roughly spherical with a radius of 350-400 light-years. 4 cubed is 64, so that would mean 64 bases for the SLN. Seems doable.
How many ships in each base? 2 SD squadrons are 16 ships, so 512 ships total. If you add CLAC squadron, that's 768 ships of the wall dispersed through out the volume of the League. And this is just Quick Reaction Forces.
3) I could see the ADF settling on the following as the official order of battle:
A) 1 Division of SDs per member system.
B) 1 CLAC (and LACs) per member system.
C) 2 Division of BCs per member system.
D) 2 Division of HCs per member system.
E) 1 Squadron (16 ships) of CA/DD per member system.
[note: CA is heavy cruiser; CL is a light cruiser]
Again, quick reality check: if we take the a 50% independence rate from current SL, that leaves about 850 member systems. That would add up to:
A) 1700 SDs
B) 1700 CLACs and LAC complements
C) 3400 BCs
D) 3400 CAs
E) 6800 CLs plus 6800 DDs
(One squadron is 8 ships, so I assume you meant one squadron of each when you said 16 ships)
Considering that CLACs are waller-sized, this is nearly doubling the SLN's current wall. I also suspect it's doubling the BC count. And we're talking about an SL that is half the current League.
I think your numbers are too high. Not impossible, mind you, and maybe even warranted if it now needs to contend with a scenario in which all other navies in existence are against it. But may be a hard sell.
4) Each member system will be required to have as their reserve (part of the GF), the following:
A) 1 CLAC (and LACs).
B) 1 Division of BCs.
C) 1 Division of HCs.
D) 1 Division (4 ships) of CA.
E) 1 Division (4 ships) of DD.
All member systems are not created equal.
Think of systems in the Outer Shell that are no richer than Split or Montana. Maintaining one CLAC and a division of BCs may be too much for them. Unless the League government is funding this, it's simply not going to happen.
At the same time, as kzt wrote above, a quarter of the Core systems are probably able to build a hundred SDs and keep them running without their economies suffering for it.
So I think that any military investment by the systems themselves needs to be proportional to the Gross System Product, like NATO is today (2% expenditure). And even if we look at NATO today, you'll get a lot of members that don't rise to their obligations.
[Note: The SL might also dictate other investment levels, like 6% on education, 0.5% on pure science and research, 3% on health, etc.]
5) Each regional base will also have a corresponding R&D facility, and while each facility will share information and findings each facility will be semi-autonomous in what it can research and develop. By that I mean, while Sol can always require research to be done in specific areas, it cannot control more than 50% of the research being done. Sol also cannot forbid or prevent research from being done into any field (provided it is legal, e.g. genetic slavery cannot be done).
Additionally, each regional base will have autonomy in building prototypes of new warships, and can build and maintain up to 1 full squadron of every class of ship of experimental designs. This provision, of course, is to help the SL spur new research and design and stop resting on its laurels.
Good idea, a little bit of competition to spur development.
6) The regional fleets will be required, at least once every 2 years, to have a large contingent of its order of battle participate in combat exercise against a different regional base. The exercise will be held at a third regional base, with the hosting base writing the rules and providing the refs. This is to spur the commanders and crew to continue refining their skills.
That's as far as I've gotten so far. Thoughts?
Do you see a need for rotating fleets?