penny wrote:Surely you realize that the entire world’s economy is built upon and depends on just several of the world’s biggest banks, who rely on just a handful of the biggest investment companies who in turn rely on a handful of insurance companies? These companies rely on the best compiled data. Wall Street. The MBS has information from all over the galaxy available in one location. The MBS probably has better information on the SL’s systems than the SL does.
Jonathan_S wrote:He specifically does NOT claim they're first among equals for financial markets or stock markets or futures markets -- merely that they don't dominate the Solarian markets for those.
Why do y'all keep saying that. That is not what RFC says …
RFC wrote:I'm not saying that the Star Kingdom completely dominates the Solarian League's financial markets or stock markets or futures markets, because it doesn't. No single star system could completely dominate an economic system that huge.
Bold and underline my own.
What he says is “the Star Kingdom does not COMPLETELY dominate the SL’s financial markets.” And that “no single star system could.”
Since the SK's pack of hyenas began hunting and stalking prey on the tundra, that includes the mighty SL as well!
penny wrote:If someone is first in banking, and banks run the economy then why can't you sew the threads together? And again, dominate and corner the market are two different things.
Jonathan_S wrote:I don't sew the threads together because RFC didn't. If he wanted to say they were first among equals in all those areas he would have. If he didn't say it then (for whatever reason) they aren't.
RFC does not have to tell us everything. He does not have to tell us that there is an ecosystem on every planet and that since there is an ecosystem then it probably rains. And since it rains he does not have to tell us that the ground gets wet.
Actually he did tell us. It is right in front of your eyes. He said the SK did not COMPLETELY dominate those markets, which implies
the SK PARTIALLY dominates those markets.
That certainly makes sense. The stronger accumulative economy of the SL is like a lion. The SK and its MM is like a pack of hyenas. The lion is much more powerful than a single hyena, but the hyenas travel in packs. Even a lion has to back down against a pack of hyenas. The large MMM is worst than a pack of ravenous hyenas.
But no. The SK’s pack of hyenas cannot possibly be everywhere all at once. There are thousands of markets inside the SL. There is no way anyone, even the SL itself!, can dominate all of them!!!
Jonathan_S wrote:Maybe Honorverse interstellar banking, which went through thousands of years of crazy high communications delays, doesn't work like modern investment banking does here and now on Earth.
That does not matter. I tried to point out before that delays in communication does not prevent a market. If one location communicates with another, period, then there will be a market between the two. Period. A lot of the mechanisms in today's modern markets were created and put in place in the 18th and 19th centuries
specifically because of the extended delays in communication.
However, RFC
does confirm that the HV works on currency. Currency
fuels supply and demand. At the end of the day, capitalism is capitalism. David Weber’s world is not like Gene Roddenberry’s where everything is free.
Jonathan_S wrote:I don't know why RFC says they're only first among equals in banking -- but it's his universe and until he says otherwise I'm going to believe that they're not first among equals in those other areas.
Because no government can dominate every market in a system as large as the SL’s. Not even the SL.
penny wrote:Again, dominate does not equate to cornering markets. And if the MBS is first among equals, then that includes the SL as well! Any entity who is unequal to the SL in banking certainly could not cause them to lower their prices in trade when the SL’s systems are – as you all point out - much closer and operating costs should be much lower. The SL should have been able to secure much cheaper loans from their banks to allow them to squeeze the smaller MBS out. Even with the much larger MMM.
Jonathan_S wrote:Huh?
You don't need superiors banking to cause someone to lower their prices; you just need access to goods or materials for cheaper than the competitor can get them.
You also need a strong banking system in order to borrow the funds in order to finance those endeavors. And you also need access to the information that is available about the existing markets that are waiting to be exploited. And one also needs a strong banking system in order to stem the tide of economic war. Trade wars can topple even the biggest of economies. And you also need strong investment firms to hedge against the borrowing and investments. And those investment firms need superior investment strategies made possible by superior information. And you also need stronger insurance companies who support your entire financial circle of life.
Is the SL
per se who is losing out against the MMM? Or is it the transtellars who are losing ground to the MMM? Anyway, the SL’s banking system was dethroned long ago.
The SL is much much larger. They don't need to match the SK’s cheaper access to the Verge, they simply
need access to the Verge. The immense SL should have been able to pool its economic might dominating the entire markets in the Verge by undercutting the SK so low that it forces them out! There is no way the – mighty as you all say – SL should not have been able to bring the SK to its knees in a trade war. The SL could have built a MM second to none. Why didn't it? It did not because the SK has a monopoly on information making it first among equals in banking! The SK will always be able to out leverage the mighty SL at the end of the day! The SK is getting stock reports and information under the table! I cannot stress this enough…
The most valuable commodity in any capitalistic system is timely information.Jonathan_S wrote:And Manticore definitely has better access to the Honorvere's 'Third World', the Verge, than the League does. If you can profitably sell equivalent goods or resources for less than the SL sources had been charging then they'll have to lower prices to compete (or else get trade protection against you to avoid competing)
See above. The immense SL should have been able to squeeze them out. Surely you do not think it was the SK’s immense MM alone that sealed the deal? The immense SL could have built twice as many freighters as the SK in a matter of a few years! Giving the SL the same access to those cheaper goods. Why did that not happen. It was an economic war. And in the face of a war, nobody can build as fast and as big as the SL.
I'll tell you why! It is because the SK set its sights on cultivating its carrying trade because that is the hand that nature dealt them with the MWJ! When the SL spews vitriol about the pesky neobarbs they always include a reference to the pesky neobarb’s MWJ. The MWJ allows the SK to out leverage the SL in almost any
local market they so choose. But not even a pesky pack of hyenas can corner every market on the tundra. But when a very large pack of hyenas set their sights on a particular buffalo that even a pride of lions has been successful at killing, then the pride of lions has to give up that kill.
Jonathan_S wrote:AS mentioned above, the shorter distances for intra-League trade should lower shipping costs (though the likely higher wages of League crews offset some of that savings) -- but that wouldn't matter much if lower costs of living meant a Verge source could produce the good or resource for significantly less than a League source could.
Hold that thought until below when I agree that an option for the SL should have been to build up their own MMM and acquire those same cheaper goods.
Jonathan_S wrote:Even if the League shippers switch to that same non-League source that'd still be them lowering their prices to compete.
The massive SL’s economy should have been able to absorb the losses no problem. Especially if …
Jonathan_S wrote:(Plus they're at a disadvantage in that competition because the MMM ships gets more favorable Junction fees, so if both have access to the same source of goods/resources, both pay the same wholesale for them, and both have the same travel time thanks to the Junction, the MMM shipper can still sell for less in the League because their shipping costs for that route are lower.
But the SL is immense! And the gorilla did not need to trade with anyone outside of itself. The SL should not have needed to use any of the SK’s junctions. And the SL would also have had access to those same lower products in the Verge, and with such a massive economy the SL itself could have “bullied” the markets for whatever products it needed from the Verge. Bully in the stock market sense means trade war.
Remember the old Merrill Lynch commercials.? Merrill Lynch deployed a rather genius slogan spearheading its commercials.
“Merrill Lynch is bullish on America.”
"Investigate then invest."
They had many a slogan and one-liners.
By America it means the whole of America's investment strategies represented by other investment companies. It went on to use a commercial with a bull in a china shop. Because investment banking is a delicate symphony of making the right decisions to the tune of the right investments at the right time. The wrong decision could be as fatal to a business as a bull in a china shop.'s say every system in the SL needed dylithium in its manufacturing processes. The transtellars were shipping it all around the SL. Enter the pesky neobarbaric hyenas who began to sell it cheaper because they were getting it from somebody who were producing it far cheaper. Fine! The SL only had to ante-up and procure enough of the product in bulk to offset the SK’s lower prices. There is no way the SK should have been able to hold out against a behemoth as large as the SL in a trade war. Do consider. The immense MMM could not have existed without customers. And I am willing to bet that the bulk of the MMM’s trade was carried out in the immense markets of the SL. If the SL would have provided assistance to its transtellars in the form of much cheaper loans, and provided assistance by building up its own Merchant Marine, then the SK could not have competed. I don't care how large ones Merchant Marine is, without customers it would have folded. The SL’s government “should” definitely have been able to afford to step in and assist its transtellars, buying up any product it needed and stockpiling it to ship that product throughout the League. Just as the US stockpiled oil. The SL did not need to trade with the Verge. It could simply trade with itself. If the Verge could produce a product cheaper, enabling the SK to compete, then the huge SL could afford to buy in bulk and sell even lower than the SK for any commodity that was critical to the SL. Eating any losses across the board.
RFC states that no one entity could dominate the huge SL markets. He did not say vice versa. The SL should have been able to completely crush the MMM had it set its sights on doing just that. The SL's collective buying power is massive. Except that damn MWJ is the wild card.
But! The SK’s superior banking system – that which any economy is dependent upon - prevented the huge SL from any ambitious plans for a trade war!*
*This post is rushed. A lot of my thoughts should be fleshed out. I edited quite a bit. I hope I did not mess up any attributions. My apology in advance if so. I need to expound upon quite a bit but my time is limited. I thought I'd go ahead and post. And let the hyenas chomp at the bits.

This was a much longer wall of text that was too much even for me. There are just so many disconnects.
The artist formerly known as cthia.
Now I can talk in the third person.