Theemile wrote:Ah, but Beowulf is the closest inhabited planet to Sol, and Manticore is essentially 1 day away from Beowulf.
I don't remember that being stated anywhere. I don't think it's true.
Beowulf was the first successful colony expedition, but that does not imply Sigma Draconis is the closest system with inhabitable planets. In fact, knowing that Tau Ceti contains an inhabitable planet implies it isn't. And, of course, the Epsilon Eridani system, at a mere 10.5 light-years, of the Eridani Incident fame and the resulting Eridani Edict.
There are many reasons why closer systems may have been bypassed, like uncertainty at the time of the launch of whether the target planet was truly inhabitable or not. And it's also very likely they
weren't bypassed, but their colonial expeditions failed whereas the Beowulf one succeeded. Others may have laid claims to closer systems and were outfitting their ships when the Beowulf Expedition launched. And other closer systems may have become viable targets as some terraforming techniques became perfected in the years since Beowulf was settled.
Moreover, some of the closer systems to Sol may have been colonised even without an inhabitable planet. We don't hear about that in the HV almost at all (Yildun is an exception), but if we can launch multi-generational colony ships, we can make multi-generational habitats too. For example, even if there are no inhabitable planets in either Alpha Centauri A or B, someone may have sent mining expeditions and later settled the system and thus it might now be a League member with a large economy.