Weird Harold wrote:Chyort wrote:I don't know why they would hit that kind of a bottleneck though. I assume they would do both at the same time.
It takes years to build a SD, it takes months to build a DB. It also takes billions to build SDs vs millions to build DBs.
The MAlign makes extensive use of Streak Dispatch boats and "yachts" because they get inside the information loop of their opponents. Nearly every mention of the Streak Drive emphasizes the "40% faster than anyone else could" or "days before the rest of the universe found out." It is most certainly the reduced transit times that make Streak-DBs more valuable than Slow-DBs.
Again, your stuck on the fact that they would have to build SD(P) from scratch to take advantage of a streak drive and that might not be the case. As i repeatedly pointed out...
All ships have been upgraded/retrofitted to some extent...
The only question is if it is cheaper to start from scratch or if it is worth upgrading... Solly SD's are not worth upgrading everything, thus they weren't upgraded. You Cannot assume the same of current gen SD(P) that only need one upgraded part(A huge part, true, but still only one)
If they are bulk producing streak drives then it only makes sense to put them in both dispatch boats and SD(P) as fast as they can... Not one or the other.
If they are limited on Streak drives, then it makes sense that they put it in the ship that is the most versatile. Which means they would put it in a SD(P) that can carry messages almost as fast if the time is truly critical, and can carry missiles that much faster the rest of the time.
Weird Harold wrote:When have you seen an SD used as a messenger in the Honorverse?
An SD would be the very last choice to use as a messenger because SDs travel with a screening element of smaller ships that can reach the hyper limit faster and therefore arrive anywhere sooner than an SD. Almost any military ship can deliver a message faster than an SD and there are almost always other ships around to use as messengers.
*Eyeroll and a heavy sigh*
1) i didnt say SD's were used as messengers... i said if i had to pick between giving a SD(P) a drive OR a dispatch boat, i would pick the SD(P) because if a message was truly that time critical the SD(P) could be sent almost as fast. And the rest of the time it would be that much faster carrying missles.
2) The travel time between ships with equal hyper generators is relatively small. Because of the max sustained speed they can hold. And it is repeatedly noted throughout the books that the brass isn't customarily woken up when critical messages are received, because it is still going to take weeks/months to get a reply back. Meaning again, hours don't matter.
3) SD's have traveled in singles and pairs fairly often in the honorverse... Mostly joining a fleet or going to get repaired. But it does happen.
If a SD had a streak drive, and
If you had a message that was so mission critical that days mattered, you could dispatch it to carry the message. The rest of the time it would be carrying missiles, and causing far more harm to the enemy... Thus, the SD(P) is far more versatile than a dispatch boat with the same drive.
IF there was a bottleneck on drive production.
(Bolded to point out a hypothetical argument)
Weird Harold wrote:I think you underestimate the value of information and the speedy flow of information. Couriers and Scouts need to be the fastest thing in space or hyper-space. If they don't move information as fast as possible, you have no idea when, where, or if to move your SDs.
I am starting to think you are simply trolling.
I never said information wasn't valuable, or even critical. My argument has been from the start that
1) If at all possible SD(P) will be retrofitted to include the streak drive because, with a hopefully small upgrade, you effectively double your offensive power. And SD's CAN be retrofitted and upgraded. Despite the fact that Manticore chose not upgrade the captured solly SD's. And it has nothing to do with the armor being too hard to get past. Because the top/bottom of the ship is effectively unarmored. It has everything to do with cost/reward. Or put another way if it is cheaper to upgrade or replace.
2) I never said dont make new dispatch boats to take advantage of the streak drive, i said do both at the same time. Unless you are limited on streak drives, then put them in SD(P)
3) I really do think your trolling, or just not bothering to read. In which case this number will be totally ignored so you can continue to rant about things taken out of context.
4) What the heck, why not add another number just for fun.
5) When your SD(P) are so far ahead of the enemy, where you decide to place and use them are effectively entirely up to you. The Enemy's position is relatively unimportant, at least defensively... Even if they sent the entire battle fleet in one massive wave, the existing defensive structure would suffice to stop them. So being able to move your SD(P) committed to offensive operations from target to target faster would be more important most of the time than having a dispatch boat getting a battle report back to the brass days or weeks sooner, when every battle report is basically "We won without taking any damage. The End." That is not to say some critical message couldn't appear, simply that the vast majority of messages wouldn't be significantly affected by the transit times compared to an SD(P) that is able to hit that many extra targets because of the speed bonus.
Assuming of course, you are limited on the number of streak drives you have available, for some unknown reason. Which, i think is unlikely assuming your able to build them at all.