noblehunter wrote:The state is mostly supported by Junction fees, except when they needed to pay for a ridiculously large navy.
kzt wrote:So that’s why shutting down the junction had no effect on the SEM economy? It just goes deeper into the rabbit hole that is economics of the honorverse.
tlb wrote:We know that the declaration of war permitted a graduated income tax, as compared to the normal flat rate. It was the bounty from that which High Ridge was maintaining (as well as the relaxation from the election requirement) by refusing to sign a peace treaty. His coalition was hoping that the public works would buy votes in the election that would follow the eventual treaty. The bounty occurred because the money was diverted from naval construction and personnel.
noblehunter wrote:I can't remember if there's any written evidence but I get the impression the flat tax is just to give people skin in the game, it doesn't materially contribute revenues to the government. IRRC, graduated income tax didn't get used until they had to effectively build a whole new wall of battle pre-Buttercup.
I am not sure if this evidence, one way or another, but in Field of Dishonor, chapter 2, Admiral Sir Thomas Caparelli, First Space Lord of the Royal Manticoran Navy, told Baroness Morncreek, First Lord of the Admiralty:
I simply assured him we would continue to obey the lawful orders of Her Majesty and her ministers if he instructed me to continue operations. We can do that without a declaration, but not for very long, I'm afraid. If I completely suspend all current construction and divert every dollar I can from our essential infrastructure, I could probably sustain operations for another three months or so. After that, we'd need a special appropriation—assuming we don't have a formal declaration to free the Exchequer's hands—and I don't see how we can expect to get that if we can't get the declaration in the first place.
All he is really saying that a wartime budget is significantly greater than the current peacetime one. The government did increase transit fees also, which would have a more immediate effect.
To KZT's point: deficit spending is not unknown in wartime. Manticore has the same advantage in reserves that Great Britain had going into WWII.