Hans wrote:let's think about the tactical situation.
The situation how i think about is about like this:
The wormhole is probably heavy defended and in the system are, like someone mentioned, a lot of pods maybe 200,000 or more for the defense.
Heavily defended against whom? There's little or no threat to Yilun prior to the GA declaring war, and likely little belief that Yildun is going to be attacked, given its distance from Manticore. Since Technodyne doesn't have any contracts for system defense pods, (or didn't as of the Monica plot,) they likely don't have a huge stockpile to deploy on short notice.
Your hypothetical scout may well be pleasantly surprised at thee pre-war level of defense preparedness.
Hans wrote:Shooting at the orbital stations from the distance, is also no option, because of the many people, that would be killed.
Apollo has a range of roughly 70 Million Kilometers or with a long enough ballistic distance, maybe even a bit more. To far out accuracy would be not good enough.
I think shooting at the stations is no option at almost any range. Probably also a bad idea if you want to get any intel on the MAlign. (a MAlign driven self destruct, presented by Sollie media as another atrocity, is definitely a factor to consider.)
Hans wrote:If it is worth to go in that system with such a complex operation, thats another problem.
Yildun is only worthy of GA attention because of Technodyne's involvement in the Monica Plot and because of the WHJ. The WHJ can be blockaded from the termini and taking down Technodyne can be done through removing all facilities outside Yildun.
There is really nothing worth the effort in Yildun proper. Just blockade the WHJ's termini and isolate Technodyne HQ from its subsidiaries.
Answers! I got lots of answers!
(Now if I could just find the right questions.)