The E wrote:
And it must be pointed out that those innovations were the first really significant shift in the combat paradigm in centuries (yes, I know, technically laser heads constitute one too, but I would argue that their impact on tactics and shipbuilding considerations was relatively minor. A pre-laser head SD can be adapted to use in the post-laser head environment by simply increasing and modernizing its point defence and EW capabilities; there is no equivalent change one can make to make a pre-pod/MDM ship a viable platform in a pod/MDM environment).
I would say that laser-heads were the driver of the modern combat ship, certainly where it comes to long range (missile) capability.
Theemile wrote:Not really. While an old ship can just load laser heads and change software, a new ship optimized for laser head combst, is going to be much superior. It will have a minimized, all grazer energy battery, freeing up space for other weapons. The optimized ship will have more point defense, and more CMs, in a ratio favoring CMs, to interdict more missiles, further from the ship, and no slug thrower countermeasures.
Bear in mind the reduced all-graser armament came about primarily due to Grayson seeing studies showing that with the accuracy and damage output capability of modern weapon systems, the multiple energy weapon batteries were really inefficient and pretty much a waste of space.