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2nd Battle of Manticore questions

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Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by cthia   » Sat Mar 14, 2015 9:05 pm

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Armed Neo-Bob wrote:
cthia wrote:Wasn't aware that the flagship had been identified. I suppose triangulation of the signal via the Hermes buoys would have yielded fruit, if both legs of the signal could have been passed through Hermes.

But anyways, what could Filareta possibly know? Except for more Manty bashing.

SWM wrote:Filareta's flagship was definitely identified, because Honor sent her communication specifically to his ship by laser. No one else heard the message.

Bill Woods wrote:Mmm, maybe. The first message was specifically addressed to 'Admiral Filareta, CO 11th Fleet', but I doubt it was on a tight beam. The first couple of of rounds, Honor was transmitting from her flagship a light-minute away. It might be possible to hit a single moving ship at that range, but why bother? At that stage, she was showing off her knowledge of his plans, but not her tech. Though her recon platforms surely identified his flagship when he responded.

The final rounds, she was flaunting her FTL comm buoys, but the text doesn't say it was a tight beam. If I were in her place, I'd want all the squadron and ship commanders to be clear on the facts that (A) they were hopelessly outgunned, but (B) they were being offered a chance to surrender.

Leaving all the assorted physics out of it, I spent years intercepting comms and determining the specific echelon of traffic by virtue building a net diagram. Small units are replicated everywhere; command nets don't get so many outstations, and include other command elements.

Signal officers in the Honorverse also function as signals intelligence, and monitor transmissions in the communications frequencies(as early as OBS); a few minutes of watching signals being cycled through after the transit--the units will have to be reporting status, etc, and the Manties will id all of the squadron flagships; and the fleet flagship will be the one all of those squadron flagships are talking to. . . It doesn't take an astro-physicist or engineer to do that, it is totally obvious once you diagram it. The emitters might be tight-beam lasers, but you don't have to read their traffic or intercept it--just observe the traffic flow of the comms and you will id the flagships.

I agree that Honor's comms to Filareta went out to all ships; why rub just Filareta's nose in SLN inferiority, when you can let all his officer enjoy it?

Cthia, a girl that young who is that smart is almost frightening. :D


Almost frightening?

Bob, I posted long ago that oftentimes I feel irresponsible for not just gathering up all of her journals and setting fire to them!

For all concerned, she's a very pleasant young Princess. It really irks my sister that all of her company requests the presence of her daughter. "Where is your daughter? I'd like to discuss..."

Same with my friends. She has a very engaging tone and personality.

And the offer to take up a collection for books for her is really nice, but another book she doesn't need, if she hasn't it already. She can buy her own too.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by StealthSeeker   » Mon Mar 16, 2015 1:43 pm


Posts: 240
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cthia wrote:
Almost frightening?

Bob, I posted long ago that oftentimes I feel irresponsible for not just gathering up all of her journals and setting fire to them!
:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
cthia wrote:
For all concerned, she's a very pleasant young Princess. It really irks my sister that all of her company requests the presence of her daughter. "Where is your daughter? I'd like to discuss..."

Same with my friends. She has a very engaging tone and personality.

Yes, exactly what I was talking about, she is that one in Ten Million then. Oh pity any unsuspecting, unknowing young man that takes her out on a first date! :o :shock: :? :D :D :D
I think therefore I am.... I think
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by cthia   » Sat Mar 21, 2015 12:43 pm

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I can't help but feeling that a better solution to sending the correct message to Filareta would have been to fire on a ship from the most extreme ballistic component range. Do to them what was similarly done to Genevieve Chin.

"What do those idiots think they're doing firing at this range?"

Then later, after a ship is broken down into its component parts of space dust.

"Oh shit!"

"Game over! Game over man! Game over!"

My most favorite quote from Aliens, by Bill Paxton.

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by StealthSeeker   » Sat Mar 21, 2015 10:52 pm


Posts: 240
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cthia wrote:I can't help but feeling that a better solution to sending the correct message to Filareta would have been to fire on a ship from the most extreme ballistic component range. Do to them what was similarly done to Genevieve Chin.

"What do those idiots think they're doing firing at this range?"

Then later, after a ship is broken down into its component parts of space dust.

"Oh shit!"

"Game over! Game over man! Game over!"

My most favorite quote from Aliens, by Bill Paxton.

Unfortunately for Filareta a person on his command deck had his mind buggered by mesa, Filareta did the "oh shit!" thing and actually tried to surrender. But I like your idea for what happens in Beowulf when the SLN tries to come calling. Though its got to wait until the ships are inside the hyper limit as I don't want those ships jumping off into hyper. I want them captured and removed from the SLN so they can't be used in the war against the GA. Ideally Beowulf will get enough of Mycroft up and running that they can cower all the attacking (visiting) SLN ships into surrendering immediately!

I wonder if Beowulf has any unpopulated islands they can dump POWs onto or if they'll have to ship them off to somewhere in the GA? I hear Haven has a whole planet that not to long ago had some vacancies open up. ;)
I think therefore I am.... I think
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by SWM   » Sun Mar 22, 2015 10:19 am

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cthia wrote:I can't help but feeling that a better solution to sending the correct message to Filareta would have been to fire on a ship from the most extreme ballistic component range. Do to them what was similarly done to Genevieve Chin.

"What do those idiots think they're doing firing at this range?"

Then later, after a ship is broken down into its component parts of space dust.

"Oh shit!"

"Game over! Game over man! Game over!"

My most favorite quote from Aliens, by Bill Paxton.

Honor achieved exactly that without firing on a single ship. Filareta surrendered when Honor demonstrated her superior numbers and superior technology. Honor was trying to make a point--Manticore did not fire first. Even though the Solarian League was blatantly in the wrong by invading their system, Manticore did not wish to kill Solarian spacers. The problem was that Filareta's surrender was superceded by Mesa.

Firing on a ship as you suggest would have produced the same result, except that the League could try to spin the story that Filareta opened fire after being ambushed by Manticore.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by cthia   » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:24 am

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SWM wrote:
cthia wrote:I can't help but feeling that a better solution to sending the correct message to Filareta would have been to fire on a ship from the most extreme ballistic component range. Do to them what was similarly done to Genevieve Chin.

"What do those idiots think they're doing firing at this range?"

Then later, after a ship is broken down into its component parts of space dust.

"Oh shit!"

"Game over! Game over man! Game over!"

My most favorite quote from Aliens, by Bill Paxton.

Honor achieved exactly that without firing on a single ship. Filareta surrendered when Honor demonstrated her superior numbers and superior technology. Honor was trying to make a point--Manticore did not fire first. Even though the Solarian League was blatantly in the wrong by invading their system, Manticore did not wish to kill Solarian spacers. The problem was that Filareta's surrender was superceded by Mesa.

Firing on a ship as you suggest would have produced the same result, except that the League could try to spin the story that Filareta opened fire after being ambushed by Manticore.

Still think my solution would have worked better. The SLN wouldn't have been close enough to do anything stupid. And it would have been obvious enough that they still weren't going to surrender when they failed to correctly respond to your surrender demands, in time to space-dust them.

It's just that the solution I proposed is not my own. It had been used throughout the conflict with the League with perfect results. Every time an SLN had been fired on from an extreme range garnered the suitable reply. In one instance, can't remember which, the SLN officer ordered his ships to turn around. Which is exactly what the RMN commander wanted, as he was trying to avoid any additional bloodshed.

It would have carried the same exact single message that the Senior officers back in the League hasn't been able to ignore...

"What are you going to do about our extreme missile range?

Son, your mother says I have to hang you. Personally I don't think this is a capital offense. But if I don't hang you, she's gonna hang me and frankly, I'm not the one in trouble. —cthia's father. Incident in ? Axiom of Common Sense
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by SWM   » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:47 am

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cthia wrote:Still think my solution would have worked better. The SLN wouldn't have been close enough to do anything stupid. And it would have been obvious enough that they still weren't going to surrender when they failed to correctly respond to your surrender demands, in time to space-dust them.

It's just that the solution I proposed is not my own. It had been used throughout the conflict with the League with perfect results. Every time an SLN had been fired on from an extreme range garnered the suitable reply. In one instance, can't remember which, the SLN officer ordered his ships to turn around. Which is exactly what the RMN commander wanted, as he was trying to avoid any additional bloodshed.

It would have carried the same exact single message that the Senior officers back in the League hasn't been able to ignore...

"What are you going to do about our extreme missile range?

"What are you going to do about our extreme missile range?" "Reply with our own extreme missile range."

You forget that the Cataphract missiles with ballistic phase can reach just as far as Apollo missiles with ballistic phase. It would still have resulted in triggering the Alignment failsafe missile launch.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by munroburton   » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:53 am


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SWM wrote:Firing on a ship as you suggest would have produced the same result, except that the League could try to spin the story that Filareta opened fire after being ambushed by Manticore.

And they aren't spinning that story anyway? ;)

A long ranged flagship strike might have passed command of the entire fleet to Filareta's second. A subsequent surrender order would be successfully propogated, unless the MA prepared a second bomb and nanny-assassin. Then 11th Fleet wouldn't have flushed its pods and been slaughtered by the response - basically, the same outcome as New Tuscany: One flagship killed, everything else surrendered. But...

cthia wrote:Still think my solution would have worked better. The SLN wouldn't have been close enough to do anything stupid. And it would have been obvious enough that they still weren't going to surrender when they failed to correctly respond to your surrender demands, in time to space-dust them.

It's just that the solution I proposed is not my own. It had been used throughout the conflict with the League with perfect results. Every time an SLN had been fired on from an extreme range garnered the suitable reply. In one instance, can't remember which, the SLN officer ordered his ships to turn around. Which is exactly what the RMN commander wanted, as he was trying to avoid any additional bloodshed.

It would have carried the same exact single message that the Senior officers back in the League hasn't been able to ignore...

"What are you going to do about our extreme missile range?

Unfortunately, they had to wait for Filareta to cross the hyper limit first and Sphinx was too close to that limit to keep any covering force well out of SLN range to pull it off.

The range between 11th Fleet and Honor's task force was slightly less than 15 million kilometres when she hailed him - and Filareta was 1.6 million outside the limit at that time. When Tourville's fleet joined the party, they did so ten million klicks outside the limit, behind 11th Fleet.

The Cataphract's total powered range seems to be around 15.5 million kilometres and IIRC, was a surprise to the GA forces(the surprise may have been more that the SLN fired at all).

Tl;dr: Filareta had targets within his range.
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by SWM   » Sun Mar 22, 2015 11:59 am

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munroburton wrote:
SWM wrote:Firing on a ship as you suggest would have produced the same result, except that the League could try to spin the story that Filareta opened fire after being ambushed by Manticore.

And they aren't spinning that story anyway? ;)

No, they aren't.
Librarian: The Original Search Engine
Re: 2nd Battle of Manticore questions
Post by munroburton   » Sun Mar 22, 2015 12:52 pm


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SWM wrote:No, they aren't.

From later on in ART:
"In some ways, this is Spindle all over again - all we have really is the Manties' word for what happened, plus the stories filed by civilian newsies in the system. In other words, the only first hand information is coming from official Manty sources. So we do what we did then." [Abruzzi] shrugged again. "We lie."
"The sequence is clear from what the Manties have released. Filareta sailed into an ambush; Harrington sprang the trap and gave him the option of surrendering or being destroyed; he opened fire; she handed him his head. Right?"
Heads nodded.
"Well, we can't possibly win if we try to defend his actions. So instead, we change the storyline. Harrington deliberately drew him into the trap; she offered him the option of surrending as a ploy to get him to scuttle his missile pods; he did scuttle his missile pods... and the instant he'd given up the one weapon she was afraid of, she opened fire and cold bloodedly destroyed his fleet. It was never about giving him a chance to surrender, it was always her intention to destroy him whatever he did."

Granted, it doesn't precisely mention Filareta opening fire at all, but it does say that the spin would be he was ambushed.

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