hanuman wrote:TheMonster wrote:It's far better for such people to admit they're clueless and leave the decisions to the adults.
Oh fantastic. Now don't get me wrong, I'm NOT saying anything in particular about YOU. But, that is the exact same argument that white people once made about why black people should be denied the vote. It is exactly the same argument that men once made about why women should be denied the vote. It is exactly the same argument that aristocrats once made about why commoners should be denied the vote. In fact, at heart it is exactly the same argument that was once used to justify and rationalise slavery.
It is an argument that says: 'We are better than you, we are superior to you, therefore we know better than you, therefore we have the right to tell you what to do and how to do it, therefore we have the right to reap the benefits and you do not'.
The principle behind Australia's requirement that every eligible citizen should vote, as I understand it, is that a democratic government is a government of consent by the people to be governed, and therefore it is not just the people's RIGHT to vote, but also their DUTY to vote. It places the responsibility for the government's decisions and actions squarely with the citizens of the country.
Now, whether we agree with it or not is really besides the point. It is a perfectly valid interpretation of the principle of consensual government, and the reality of politics and governance in Australia speaks for itself - unlike in the United States, for example, there are very few instances when the government of Australia is plagued by an inability to actually DO its job because of a hung legislature.
It is one way of doing things, among many such ways under the very broad umbrella of democratic systems. It works, and that is what is important.
I would concur that it is a civic duty to vote. I would also concur that it is a
privilege which comes with citizenship. The problem with compelling individuals to vote, whether they want to or not, is that you are essentially compelling people who have already self-selected themselves as nonvoters to become voters. The problem is that while you can compel them to
vote, you cannot compel them to care about or become educated in the questions
upon which they are voting.
In the rare cases where compelling them to vote
will lead them to actually seek the knowledge to make informed choices and actually have opinions based on an understanding of issues, this would be a good thing. In the much larger (unfortunately) number of cases in which the compelled voter will simply vote for the one person whose name he actually remembers (for whatever reason), or the candidate who produces the best sound bite (regardless of veracity), or the candidate who claims to represent that voter's interest group (which the candidate may or may not do) all it does (at best) is lumber the electoral process with votes guaranteed to have little thought or analysis behind them. More probably, it provides a base of drones swayed by the popular passion du jour because they are too ill-informed to form opinions of their own. At worst, it provides a base of "voters" particularly subject to manipulation by unscrupulous and dishonest political leaders because their chosen, default position "uninformed, disinterested, and don't care" makes them so much more liable to manipulation by such cretins.
Please do understand here that I totally disapprove of artificial barriers
against voting or the free exercise of the franchise by every enfranchised voter. There are definitely times when I believe that
obtaining the franchise should require more than a pulse, but once the franchise has been granted, on whatever basis seems best to the society in question, then absolutely unfettered exercise
of that franchise becomes an imperative of that society. But those who
choose not to vote should most certainly be allowed --- nay,
encouraged --- to exercise their non-voting choice.
If you're not sufficiently interested in how your society is run to voluntarily exercise the greatest self-determining privilege in human history, then I don't want your hands anywhere near the controls of
my society's future.
Just saying.