NortonIDaughter wrote: Sure! It's just that his Naughty and Nice lists go something like:
Nice: Stacey
Naughty: Everyone else
Tolerable (in small doses and when she is with Stacey): Honor Harrington
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 1831
Tolerable (in small doses and when she is with Stacey): Honor Harrington ***********************************************
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5 |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 1831
Fair to middling--he's no longer a field operative, so his job will be more in the realm of politics and organization instead of out there where the pulser darts are flying. Not that there can't be a surprise attack or a nano-attack that may require the supreme sacrifice from him. But that's just going to make Ginny angry--and you don't want to see her angry... ***********************************************
No boom today. Boom tomorrow. There's always a boom tomorrow. What? Look, somebody's got to have some damn perspective around here! Boom. Sooner or later. BOOM! -LT. Cmdr. Susan Ivanova, Babylon 5 |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 6432
Nonsense! Naomi is a captain to Abby's very young tac officer. Abby needs time in grade before she gets the exec slot and the exec slot before she finds a ship of her own. That spells a longer life for Naomi to allow for Abby's planet side escapdes. She can't do that as captain or exec. Naomi survives for some time yet to provide Abby with a model for a personality completely opposite of that she is accostomed to in a woman. |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 1168
Indeed, she'll probably get a shot as exec on a tin can before she gets her first hyper-capable command (she might be given command of a LAC even before she gets to be exec of a hyper-capable ship). If anything happens to Naomi and Tallman in the forseeable future, most likely Fonzarelli gets acting command, not Abby, and as soon as the Admiralty can get someone more senior to take over, they do. Edit to add: In fact, if Tristram is operating as part of a division or squadron when Kaplan and Tallman both are disabled or killed, the flag officer might send the XO of one of the other ships to take command of Tristram, unless the ship is so badly damaged that letting Fonzarelli oversee nursing her back to the nearest base for repairs is the most logical move. In that particular case, Abby might find herself pressed into service as acting XO just like Naomi was after Monica, and Fonzarelli would let her take care of pretty much everything other than repairs while he focuses on them. |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 2025
I think it's unlikely she gets a LAC; the RMN and GSN can say what it wants about making assignments strictly on ability, but Abby (or Rachel Mayhew, or Joanna Winton if she joins the Navy) is much too important to be risked in something as fragile as a LAC on a combat deployment. |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 750
If I remember correctly, it was Nagchaudhuri, who was acting XO after Monica, because both Naomi Kaplan and and Ansten FitzGerald were seriously wounded. Naomi was even returned to Manticore because of the severity of her wounds. |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 1168
/me slaps forhead. I believe you remember correctly as well. |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 523
I was just wondering about the survivability of Colonel Ellen Shemais, Elizabeth's Andrew LaFollet. The MA might try some foolish assassination attempt on either her or Pritchart (or both) and I have a bad feeling that any chief bodyguards in that situation might be casualties. Of course this train of through means that Sheila Thiessen could be in the target sights as well...
In War: Resolution. In Defeat: Defiance. In Victory: Magnanimity. In Peace: Goodwill. |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 1126
The head of the Beowulf forces working with Alice against the Sollies, can't dredge up her name, sorry. Ginny Usher. Uncle Jacques. Each of these, though relatively minor characters, could provide a big kick in the gut to various major characters, which could then set off assorted plot twists, as the author finds useful. I hope Daud & Co are safe for now, why build up that thread just to zap it this quick? Maybe later, but I hope not. I find them very interesting. Smartest people in the SL. Barregos would throw a spanner in the Maya Sector works. Walter from Erewhon just to driver everyone nuts trying to figure out who and why. ![]() The Sol Assembly and blame it on the Manties. Massive act of terrorism!!!!!!!!! Evil Manties!!!!!!!! |
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Re: Here comes a candle | |
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Posts: 265
Assuming space battles really enter into it (the debate rages, I know)-- I could see Tourville going out in a blaze of glory.
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