Actually, as munroburton said, an SD's wedge is more like 300km x 300km. It totally dwarfs the ship.Somtaaw wrote:Wouldn't need all that many ships actually. When you consider that it's a wormhole, and nobody knows wormholes better than Manticore. Yes the actual "lanes" are big enough that the multi megaton freighters have a very distinct entry and exit lane that allows both incoming and outgoing ships to travel without coming close enough to blow each others nodes.
But if you park what amounts to a wall of rolled superdreadnoughts, you'd only need a dozen-ish to complete a basic wall. Superdreadnought wedges how wide, in addition to being longer than the ship is (and SDs are what, damn near a klick long themselves?)
That makes the wedge something approaching 2 km long, and more than a few km wide. Parked in just far enough out that you don't need a functional hyper generator or sails, you can pretty well block off any incoming travel, without using a ridiculous amount of hulls.
Additionally, ships using wormholes don't go through with zero velocity, so things will coast (slightly). Even the exploratory destroyer for the Astro-whatever bureau it was again had some bleed, and it was creeping into the two wormholes at less than 1 gravity of acceleration, standard velocity is between 10 and 50 I think.
But even though it's huge it would interact fatally with the grav turbulence around the terminus. You need to switch from wedge to sails as you approach. A wedge would have to be something like 26,000 km back from the terminus to avoid being instantly destroyed by interaction with the grav eddies of the transit lane; and that grav lane within the terminus volume is something like 9,000 km across. (Ref: RFC post from 18-June-2012; in the thread "finding the torch wormhole’s destination").
So your hypothetical incoming ships have several minutes to alter their heading enough to avoid the roadblock of wedges. You'd have to totally blockade the end of that 9,000 km diameter lane to prevent their exit. That should 'only' take roughly 350 SDs.
(Weaker wormholes would have somewhat shorter lanes, with higher max transit speed; so this would work a little better on a little wormhole bridge than a massive junction. But not enough better to beat missile pods or mines)