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Freedom in the Madras Sector

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Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by SWM   » Sun Mar 29, 2015 9:45 pm

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JohnRoth wrote:
SWM wrote:We do know how far Visigoth is from Sol. 13 days by courier is about 100 light-years. So, Visigoth is 100 light-years from Sol. Beowulf to Sol is 40 light-years, and Visigoth to Beowulf is 60 light-years. Therefore Beowulf is almost directly between Visigoth and Sol. The text mentioned Beowulf only because Beowulf happens to be almost directly on the line from Visigoth to Sol.

Right -- assuming White Haven doesn't think they'll stop off at Beowulf. Granted, there's no obvious reason why they should stop at Beowulf, but if he's including a stop there for some utterly unknown reason, then the straight-line solution doesn't work any more.

The straight-line solution does still work, because the only way that it could be 40 ly from Sol to Beowulf and 60 ly from Beowulf to Visigoth and 100 ly from Sol to Visigoth is if the three systems are nearly in a straight line.

In any case, it doesn't matter. We know that Visigoth to Sol is 100 ly because of the travel time. The distance from Visigoth to Sol is what the side-debate was all about.
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Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by akira.taylor   » Mon Mar 30, 2015 2:22 pm

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SWM wrote:
JohnRoth wrote:<SNIP>

Right -- assuming White Haven doesn't think they'll stop off at Beowulf. Granted, there's no obvious reason why they should stop at Beowulf, but if he's including a stop there for some utterly unknown reason, then the straight-line solution doesn't work any more.

The straight-line solution does still work, because the only way that it could be 40 ly from Sol to Beowulf and 60 ly from Beowulf to Visigoth and 100 ly from Sol to Visigoth is if the three systems are nearly in a straight line.

In any case, it doesn't matter. We know that Visigoth to Sol is 100 ly because of the travel time. The distance from Visigoth to Sol is what the side-debate was all about.

If the trip is Visigoth to Beowulf (60 light years) to Sol (40 light years), and that is the route taken, then the total distance is 100 light years (even if Visigoth to Sol is <100 light years).

Now, it would suggest Beowulf is not too far out of the way, so Visigoth to Sol is (presumably) close to 100 light years.

On the gripping hand, why would Beowulf be informed of anything in a hurry? Why not just pass by in hyper, rather than slow down and delay (even if you cross the hyper limit on your way)?

Edit: Note that I'm really just correcting a geometry error, because I'm a little too precise. Given no reason for White Haven to think they'll stop at Beowulf, I guess Beowulf must be one the least-time course from Sol to Visigoth.
Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by Theemile   » Mon Mar 30, 2015 3:29 pm

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akira.taylor wrote:<snip>
On the gripping hand, why would Beowulf be informed of anything in a hurry? Why not just pass by in hyper, rather than slow down and delay (even if you cross the hyper limit on your way)?


The queestion to that is who is alerting who and why?

Is it a news courier? - yes they will stop by Beowulf to get the news out to Billions of paying customers.

Is it a Visigoth Defense Force courier looking for assistance? Yes they will stop at Beowulf, however shortly, to see if a SLN task force is in town and to ask the BSDF for assistance.

Is is a SLN courier? He will run straight to Sol to report in.
RFC said "refitting a Beowulfan SD to Manticoran standards would be just as difficult as refitting a standard SLN SD to those standards. In other words, it would be cheaper and faster to build new ships."
Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by akira.taylor   » Tue Mar 31, 2015 3:37 pm

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Theemile wrote:
akira.taylor wrote:<snip>
On the gripping hand, why would Beowulf be informed of anything in a hurry? Why not just pass by in hyper, rather than slow down and delay (even if you cross the hyper limit on your way)?


The queestion to that is who is alerting who and why?

Is it a news courier? - yes they will stop by Beowulf to get the news out to Billions of paying customers.

Is it a Visigoth Defense Force courier looking for assistance? Yes they will stop at Beowulf, however shortly, to see if a SLN task force is in town and to ask the BSDF for assistance.

Is is a SLN courier? He will run straight to Sol to report in.

Good point. I don't remember the incident, so I guess I just figured it was SLN.
Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by Bill Woods   » Tue Mar 31, 2015 7:56 pm

Bill Woods
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akira.taylor wrote:<snip>
On the gripping hand, why would Beowulf be informed of anything in a hurry? Why not just pass by in hyper, rather than slow down and delay (even if you cross the hyper limit on your way)?

Theemile wrote: The queestion to that is who is alerting who and why?

Is it a news courier? - yes they will stop by Beowulf to get the news out to Billions of paying customers.

Is it a Visigoth Defense Force courier looking for assistance? Yes they will stop at Beowulf, however shortly, to see if a SLN task force is in town and to ask the BSDF for assistance.

Is is a SLN courier? He will run straight to Sol to report in.
akira.taylor wrote: Good point. I don't remember the incident, so I guess I just figured it was SLN.
In this case, it's a hypothetical SLN dispatch boat, delivering news from New Tuscany to Earth by various routes.
"At least we can get our diplomatic note in the first," his brother pointed out. "The message turnaround time from New Tuscany to Old Terra is only about twenty-five days by way of Manticore and the Junction. It's a lot longer for anyone trying to work around the outside of our communication loop. New Tuscany to Meyers is over five T-weeks for a dispatch boat, and it's over six T-weeks even for a message direct from New Tuscany to Mesa." White Haven grimaced, as if the system name physically tasted bad. "From there, it's another thirteen T-days or so to Old Terra by way of the Visigoth Junction and Beowulf. If they waste time following protocol and report to Meyers first, it'll take them right on eighty-six days—damned close to three T-months—just to get their first report back to Sol. Of course, assuming that we're right about Manpower's involvement, they probably will send dispatches directly by way of Mesa and Visigoth and get them there in only sixty-seven days or so, but even on that basis, our note will be there in less than half the time."
Come to think about it, those numbers don't work out. If it's 67 days to go NT – Mesa – Visigoth – Sol and 13 days for the last stage, that leaves 54 days = 7.7 weeks for the first stage. Well, it's true that 7.7 > 6, but...
Imagined conversation:
Admiral [noting yet another Manty tech surprise]:
XO, what's the budget for the ONI?
Vice Admiral: I don't recall exactly, sir. Several billion quatloos.
Admiral: ... What do you suppose they did with all that money?
Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by stewart   » Mon Apr 13, 2015 7:25 pm

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n7axw wrote:The notion of Thurgood's taskforce being given to Meyers does make sense.

I'm not sure the rest of it does, though. Meyers doesn't really face a threat, for one thing. The SLN certainly isn't going to be poking its nose back in there And risk another confrontation with Manties at this juncture. And the League is shortly going to have more immediate concerns than remote little Meyers.

So Thurgood's squadron plus the LACs should be enough for now. Maybe not forever, but for now.

Then too, Manticore can't afford to be too generous in parcelling out its hulls. Remember OB? Until her industrial plant is back on line, the RMN is going to need every modern ship she can scape up for the mission at hand.



Don --

Then again, SEM does not need to parcel out "its" fleet; not to re-open the debate from the other thread, but there are several CA's and DD's from Crandall's fleet that surrendered intact.
Those x-SLN CA's and DD's will have the same internal hardware as Thurgood's escorts -- commonality of hardware is a good thing from a maintenance support viewpoint.
For that matter, there were some repair and stores ships in Crandall's fleet as well.

-- Stewart
Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by saber964   » Mon Apr 13, 2015 8:58 pm


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stewart wrote:
n7axw wrote:The notion of Thurgood's taskforce being given to Meyers does make sense.

I'm not sure the rest of it does, though. Meyers doesn't really face a threat, for one thing. The SLN certainly isn't going to be poking its nose back in there And risk another confrontation with Manties at this juncture. And the League is shortly going to have more immediate concerns than remote little Meyers.

So Thurgood's squadron plus the LACs should be enough for now. Maybe not forever, but for now.

Then too, Manticore can't afford to be too generous in parcelling out its hulls. Remember OB? Until her industrial plant is back on line, the RMN is going to need every modern ship she can scape up for the mission at hand.



Don --

Then again, SEM does not need to parcel out "its" fleet; not to re-open the debate from the other thread, but there are several CA's and DD's from Crandall's fleet that surrendered intact.
Those x-SLN CA's and DD's will have the same internal hardware as Thurgood's escorts -- commonality of hardware is a good thing from a maintenance support viewpoint.
For that matter, there were some repair and stores ships in Crandall's fleet as well.

-- Stewart

IIRC the GA/RMN has captured 3 AR, 24 AK, 2 AE at Spindle. Along with 50 transports and freighters loaded with 421,000 troops and support personnel at 2nd Manticore.
Re: Freedom in the Madras Sector
Post by n7axw   » Mon Apr 13, 2015 10:17 pm

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stewart wrote:
n7axw wrote:The notion of Thurgood's taskforce being given to Meyers does make sense.

I'm not sure the rest of it does, though. Meyers doesn't really face a threat, for one thing. The SLN certainly isn't going to be poking its nose back in there And risk another confrontation with Manties at this juncture. And the League is shortly going to have more immediate concerns than remote little Meyers.

So Thurgood's squadron plus the LACs should be enough for now. Maybe not forever, but for now.

Then too, Manticore can't afford to be too generous in parcelling out its hulls. Remember OB? Until her industrial plant is back on line, the RMN is going to need every modern ship she can scape up for the mission at hand.



Don --

Then again, SEM does not need to parcel out "its" fleet; not to re-open the debate from the other thread, but there are several CA's and DD's from Crandall's fleet that surrendered intact.
Those x-SLN CA's and DD's will have the same internal hardware as Thurgood's escorts -- commonality of hardware is a good thing from a maintenance support viewpoint.
For that matter, there were some repair and stores ships in Crandall's fleet as well.

-- Stewart

When I was taking about parcelling out its hulls, I was referring esp to its modern fleet, not captured SLN stuff, although I understand that while not modern by Haven sector standards, the Nevadas and Indefatigables are solid designs and useable in any context that doesn't face huge numbers of missiles. It's the Sag-Cs, Rolands and Nikes in particular that shouldn't be parcelled out.

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