Tenshinai wrote:You might be able to have 10% more DNs than SDs, but each SD is probably 25-35% more effective than the DNs, making it a really bad tradeoff to choose.
This is a really bad handwavium.
TO start with, what are we really saying by the word "DN" verses "SD"?
1st haven war had DN's the same size as SD's or nearly so. Compensator margins have increased by 40% at a minimum. From this we see that
RMN is already NOT building as large of an SD hull as they COULD if they were willing to limit the acceleration of their hulls. So, lets not go too deep into hubris here. Manticore is already making the REAL choice of #hulls compared to maximum destruction power.
The correct analysis would be, what sized hull can carry the necessary offensive equipment, active defenses, passive defenses(armor schemes for capital MK-23 missiles), and ECM? Only after this is calculated can one then add the secondary necessity of combat endurance.
Offensive missile loadout is approximately 25% of the hull volume. Total pod #'s is the single largest determining factor in ship total tonnage. If we wanted to take this to the extreme, we could take an Invictus, eliminate the pod core and its core armor, leaving all of its defensive suites etc for a hull tonnage of a mere
6.0M ton if one eliminated pods entirely and loaded up from freighters before crossing the hyper limit. Likewise we could argue for the need for a 10M ton Invictus equivalent carrying around a tidy 2500 pods. Somewhere in between these two extremes reside, DN, SD. Note, that 10Mton is probably a bit low. Depends on how much one wishes to cut into acceleration/tonnage advantages.
But we have serious considerations regarding tactics:
Offensive combat endurance as a critical issue vanished with the addition of limpetted pods. Why? Limpetted pods reside inside the sidewalls where admirals do not run the risk of use them or lose them. We will not see a 2000 pod Medusa-B for instance. Why? Medusa-B was the response to the severely limited combat endurance of the Harrington-A who could shoot itself dry in a mere 15 minutes if one adds predeployment into the mix. 500pods/30/min ~= sub 17 minutes. Due to new pods, now has around 700 pods, or 24minutes whereas Invictus has around 1500 or nearly an hour of constant fire.
Due to nature of Apollo FTL, no true viable defense in proportion to the additional offensive capabilities, combined with the the overwhelming advantage of alpha strike due to pods with tractors or donkies, makes combat offensive endurance a tertiary consideration in ship design. Maybe even forth on the itemized deduction list. The only time offensive combat endurance becomes a truly critical issue is if there is a defensive capability on the horizon to match Apollo FTL + tractored pods or you as a designer have the hubris to believe that due to your current overwhelming combat advantage you can now fight 1 SDP against many and survive for the next 'x' years and this is considered cost effective. Trading short term necessities for long term hull platform effectiveness.
A very good reason for a much larger ship, is the introduction of the MK-23E/G etc and further missile laser head development in throughput. How to quantify this additional power throughput is a complete unknown. Does this offset the need for combat endurance determining hull size? Will we see much longer legged(Larger) counter missiles using pseudo FTL via the use of RD's? If pseudo CM FTL is introduced would a more viable option being FAR more numerous CM tubes? How many tubes can one actually place on a ship before the CM's in question actually kill each other off when launched? Invictus already has 84/Broadside firing every 8s on a hull length of only 1500m and we know missile wedges are 10,000m. With advancements in missile tech, one would assume the CM wedges will grow even larger. This would indicate the need for either CM pods, something DW has categorically said will not happen, or more numerous CM point sources to achieve higher CM throw weight to match the capability of offensive alpha strike.
Having the ability to throw defensive CM's for an hour makes little sense if one is only able to throw a couple hundred CM's at an incoming wave of 10,000.
So, 3 major considerations for optimal ship hull size
FTL + tractors = alpha strike = decreased hull size
Volume of pods required is a MAJOR driving factor for hull size.
MK-23E/G = more damage/hit = increased hull size
--> Maybe not as maybe one just needs twice as strong sidewalls as this is the MAIN armor.
CM alpha strike countermeasures = increased hull size, same hull size, or need for vastly more numerous hulls. The more numerous hulls has already happened via LAC's but with severely limited CM endurance. IS there an intrinsic need for a longer lasting CM endurance from more powerful hulls? If so, this would indicate a need for more numerous Capital ship hulls and would weigh heavily on the overall design criteria.
Anyways, lots of unknowns and never will be known, so throwing a blowhard number of 25% more effective with no framework is laughable.