Jonathan_S wrote:And that first Travis Long book had it's eARC released around New Years. (I keep having to remember than even 6 months later it still hasn't actually been published)dreamrider wrote:There is another Honorverse series starting up, with an in-universe start date at about the same time (mid-late 1530s), that deals with the early days of the Royal Manticoran Navy, through the career of an officer named Travis Long. The arc is intended to cover his whole career, which happens to coincide with the wormhole-potential fueled expansion of the RMN into a true interstellar force.
Those books are also a collaboration, guided by David and largely written by Timothy Zahn assisted by Tom Pope of Bu9. The first of those is targeted for late this year (2014), I believe. David usually refers to this series as the "Travis Long books", but I also recall speculation that they may come to be known as the "RMN series".
There is a long Travis Long story by Zahn in the anthology Beginnings. Due to the significant events of that story, I will be surprised if it is not incorporated/expanded in the first or second of the Travis Long books.
I don't think it's a significant spoiler to say that it begins a number of years before the short story you mentioned.
The Series name for the Travis Long Books whihc I've heard is the "Manticore Ascendant" series