Jonathan_S wrote:Might depend on what you mean by open conflict, and when they succeed.
The word is
Open conflict means a reasonable expectation or possibility of an attack by the SLN.
Jonathan_S wrote:It's possible, especially once the wheels start coming off, that a system might expect to get away with simply declaring independence and neutrality - claiming the Mandarin's unchecked unconstitutional behavior as the reason. (Especially if they're one with an SDF big enough to scare aware pirates).
That is a possibility and those with substantial SDFs -- like the RF core systems -- are very likely to choose that path. But they will still have the example of Beowulf before them and an expectation that they'll have to fight.
Jonathan_S wrote:They could plausibly gamble that while the SLN could come and conquer them that doing so would cause the rest of the Core worlds to revolt - so even the Mandarin's aren't stupid enough to do that. (The system might be wrong about that, but there you go).
There will always be the example of Beowulf before any system thinking about secession. Gambling that they won't be next is wishful thinking. That won't stop a few systems from making the bet and one or two getting away with it.
Jonathan_S wrote:Also there's constructive non-cooperation possible without formally succeeding, get obstinant and play rules lawyer. Give what little you're constitutionally obligated to and refuse or slow roll anything else (while back channeling to Manticore that you're not aiding the fight against them).
Again, the example of Beowulf will be before any system considering this tactic. Beowulf played rules lawyer up to and including secession and rumor has it that 10,000,000 Beowulfans died because they did. They were effectively shouted down in the assembly, at last look their embassy and diplomatic personnel are going to be lynched.
Why would any rational system run that risk?
It won't stop a few from trying it, but they're unlikely to play rules lawyer for long.
Nearly any scenario anyone can think of might happen, there are around 2,000 League systems -- counting shell and protectorates -- after all. Many of those systems are on the far side of League space and may feel that combat won't reach them and the SLN will be busy far away. They'll be wrong to some extent; their assembly delegations will be at risk of several bad things, they'll be economically stressed by Lacoon, and Honor was talking about very long-range deep penetration raids; which from the far end of the Wormhole network could start from 2/3 around the League from Manticore.
All of that ignores any chaos the MAlign might be spreading to get systems to jump to the nascent RF.
Answers! I got lots of answers!
(Now if I could just find the right questions.)