tlb wrote:Yes, if the author points to the wormhole, then the GA will take it and strongly question those defending it. Maybe as strongly as Galton was questioned. But why do we think that will happen, even with groups like the Ghosthunters searching? Having one end of a wormhole gives no knowledge about the location of the other end, unless a ship comes through from the other side.penny wrote:The important gist of my post you dismissed. Again, the Ghosthunters are looking for the MA! Just like when the GA arrived at Galton, looking for the MA! If entities and intelligence services of the SL find out where the MA are located, and they find out that a certain WH leads to it, and if they might happen to find out that there's a window of opportunity such as an undefended end of the WH, and they decide to go for broke, then the SL and their navy is not only relevant...
What's irrelevant is how they find out about the WH. And what's irrelevant is why they are deciding to go for broke. What's also irrelevant to the RFN at the time is why they are there and wanting to force their way through. It ain't like they haven't attempted to force their way through a WH before.
And when I trotted pretty much the same thing out to everyone about the GA failing to play by the unavoidable ever present insanity of politics, simply because they had what they thought was incontrovertible evidence, all of you moved those goalposts and fail to accept or believe that the SL, the SL!, will do exactly the same thing??? Really???
Thinksmarkedly??? That can't be you.
Why would they want to force the RF while someone is trying to claim the WH??? Again, really?
Well, Galton wasn't trying to claim anything at the time. It was obvious that they owned that entire system! Didn't seem to matter to that hotheaded Harrington. But suddenly, ownership — pending ownership that is — should suddenly matter to the historically disrespectful and arrogant SLN? Now there's a why?
The last 24 hrs is like I woke up in the Twilight Zone.
Valid points. Therefore I agree. But you're missing the obvious bulls in the China shop, and the gorillas too!
Don't you think all navies in the HV are as aware of what you just said as you are? Even the brain-dead SLN who may not have shown us any gorillas who deserve to be listed on the HV Top Ten Tacticians and Strategists thread, aren't complete imbeciles. So if the SLN shows up at that WH with the intentions of forcing the issue, then it's a good chance that the Ghosthunters search has paid huge dividends. And those dividends could include complete details of what routes to take, interstates to travel, and exits to take after they transit the WH. IOW, they may have obtained the complete driving directions of how to get to Darius! Just like the GA had complete directions on how to get to Galton. Just because Darius’ location is a bit more secluded and difficult to find, just because it is located out in the boondocks, just because it is extremely hidden and has a secret short cut like the BatCave, doesn't mean the Ghosthunters didn't get complete driving directions to the lair.
And the SLN might have been warned (maybe even by the GA) that they should move with as much haste as possible, without any delay whatsoever,,, taking the shortest route between two points, denying the MAN a chance to prepare a party for them; like Galton. I have complete faith that there are people in the SL with more than half a brain, they just didn't get a chance to make a difference in the past.
Somehow the MA found out that Galton was going to be getting a visit. And they had a chance to put a contingency plan in place. One of the Detweilers visited Galton and gave them a warning that unwanted visitors were coming to dinner. And the MA also gave tactical and strategic directions to certain high ranking people making decisions that would affect Galton. They had time to restrict the use of certain technology etc., etc.
If the SLN gets a wind of exactly how to get to Darius, they may want to make their trip as quickly as they can, utilizing WHs if possible. They may have also intercepted classified information about how to transit the WH too. The Ghosthunters are looking for the lair, don't think they aren't looking for the complete address with driving directions as well. I imagine their version of “Google maps” can suggest a longer scenic route in lieu of the time saving route that takes them thru major tunnels, bridges, overpasses, dirt roads, private prooerty, suburbs, wormholes and ratholes or whatever route will get them there faster. They won't be concerned with saving fuel, they'll be concerned with saving lives. By getting there before the criminals can “beat feet” and pull another Houdini. Or worse, have time to prepare a warm warm… warm warm… very warm welcome. Hot as Hell! See the Attacking Darius thread for the correct temperature.
Legend: to prevent arguing semantics.
SL may include SLN
MA may include MAN.
RF may include RFN, MDF, MAN, MA.
Etc. Etc.