Dark Enigma wrote:
Did it bother anyone else how quickly Elizabeth and Pritchart became BFFs? Even with the benefit of Treecat truth detectors, she had to still be a bit miffed over that little sneak attack and attempt to take over her star nation if nothing else!
You may be failing to take into account the impact of two points:
1) the fact that Elizabeth knows (thanks to Ariel, Nimitz and Honor) that not only was Pritchart manipulated, (apparently by Mesa but actually by Giancola although they don’t know that) into launching the war and
2) that she herself had been manipulated into cancelling what would have been the peace conference.
With both women feeling taken advantage of and regretful of their actions and a common target in Mesa, I found the development of their friendship reasonably likely.
Dark Enigma also wrote:
(I still think its a stretch that even Shannon Foraker could have gathered the manufacturing infrastructure, technical expertise, and sheer engineering genius to achieve parity with Manticore in just a few years, but I'm willing to file that under suspension of disbelief and move on.)
They haven’t reached parity but they have narrowed the gap.
Again, Dark Enigma:
I can tell you that the last thing I would be doing if I were Elizabeth would be giving Haven Treecats and Apollo! I might be persuaded into a watchful truce while the threat of Mesa was dealt with but that would be the extent of it!
Hell, you could even make a strong case that turnabout is fair play and sabotage or a sneak attack on Bolthole was warranted once its location had been discovered. After all, the new Republic is young and fragile. Given that Havenite leaders tend to have short life-expectancies, who's to say that Pritchart will even be able to stay in power for the foreseeable future (much less restrain whatever impulse drove her to attack Manticore in the first place)?
I think you are forgetting that Elizabeth has both treecats and Honor to let her really trust where Pritchart and Theisman and the other Havenite cabinet ministers were coming from. Which is why Elizabeth knows she doesn’t have to worry about any future Havenite attack on Manticore.
Kzt wrote:
And after the next election, when someone else gets elected? I'm sure that both the Sunni tribal leaders who signed on with the US in 2008-2009 and the US military leaders who made the deal were totally sincere. As were the leaders of Manticore who set up the Manticore Alliance and included the allies like Grayson and Erehwon. I'm sure they were totally sincere in their promises of inclusion, R&D support and consultation. But things change. Counting on your personal relationship with an elected official to protect you is not a great long-term plan when your survival is in question.
Do you really think anyone in Haven has a hope in hell of:
1) winning an election against the President who not only ended the Manticore war honourably (sorry, I’m Canadian) but turned Manticore into a trade partner? Or,
2) Reversing the alliance if they do win, the benefits of the alliance are too strong, especially when Manticore starts investing in Haven, let alone going against the almost overwhelming favourable vote in the Havenite Senate. No, Elizabeth can be certain that the alliance will hold at least long enough to fight the war against the SL.
Dark Enigma wrote:
the fact that Elizabeth had Treecat lie detectors. This is true, however a Treecat can only tell you if aparticular person is being truthful at this particular moment. They cannot vouch for that persons future actions especially if that person is only one part of a much larger polity.
True enough, but when the treecats confirm a person’s truthfulness on given points, they also get a sense of the emotional state that is behind the stated answer. As Honor says of Simoes in Mission of Honor:
“I can't read minds, but I can read emotions, and I know when someone's lying."
"What I can tell you about Simões is that his anger—his outrage—at this 'Alignment' is absolutely genuine. The pain inside that man is incredible."
Honor would get a sense of where Pritchart was coming from and that sense would be enough for Elizabeth to risk the treaty. Once the Senate ratified the treaty, Elizabeth would know that the polity of Haven was as equally committed to the Grand Alliance as Pritchart had been when she set it up.