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Logic behind splitting Lacoon?

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Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by Brigade XO   » Sat Jan 10, 2015 2:28 pm

Brigade XO
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Its also missing the Idaho-Zunker bridge (and relationship to Beowulf), where Nolan and its wormhole chain in ART are and that whole chain of wormholes that takes the squadron there from Manticore.

The need or at least want for a 3D representation of any of the maps has been discussed before. 3D software is expensive and it takes somebody entereing the data to plut things where they shouldbe. Short looking lines but large LY numbers vs short LY nubers vs long looking lines is "easy" the short with large LY are looking at a wormhole going away from the point of view of the 2D map. The other could be much closer an actual left to right distance relative to the scale of the map.

Where is that Judean League in relationship to anything we have?

Ah well, perhaps we shall see eventually.
Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by lyonheart   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:13 am

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Hi John Roth,

Thanks for finding that clarifying textev, since the UoHH also states the SL then had a radius of only 'roughly 98 LY' from Sol, in the chapter 6 Interstellar Politics and Imperialism, section-B The solarian League; but I'm quite willing to accept 90 LY as the original 'core' radius.

BTW, I found your reference UNDER one of my post-it notes. :oops:

If RFC's references to 300-400 LY being a radius not diameter [possibly some kind of typo etc], then my remembered figure and arithmetic error was off by a factor of 8, which is rather embarrassing, but the fact no one else caught or pointed it out indicates almost everybody accepted it without checking or made the same error, so shame on you all too. ;)

The revised figure for the SL, based on an assumed 50/50 split between 300-400 LY radius is some 190.645 M LY^3, or barely 4.55% of the volume out only 1000 LY from Sol [about 1/22], which is low since 2000 LY from Sol is well within reach for colonization in about a year and a half, even using old freighters, with cryo cheap enough to pack more gear or colonists, depending on the priority,etc.

A 90 LY radius means ~3,054,510 LY^3, and at the adjusted figure of ~106,864 LY^3 per member, there were less than 29 inhabited systems within 90 LY of Sol, with an average radius of 29.43555 LY each, double my earlier figure, or only 7-10 days apart by even slow freighters.

Quadrupling the volume of the 'core' over 600 years is rather slow, roughly adding a new system about every 7 years.

One interesting feature of that data is that it makes Manticore closer to Sol than all but 1-2 members of the league including Beowulf [2.5 within ~268,000 cubic LY], not the previous other 18 I've mentioned before.

The textev has never stated Beowulf is the closest member to Sol, just the first successful extra-solar colony in 2103 AD, yet 2000 years is plenty of time to fill in missed habitable systems nearer Terra, so if there's only one or two, what might we soon learn about them?

Then again, given Beowulf's relative major proximity to Sol, though there's another system also 40 LY away, the league ought to know a lot more about Beowulf than they do; ie much more contact, including business, schooling, marriages etc.

NTM, being effectively that close to Sol [40 LY, only 1 or 2 members closer] ought have reduced the 'neobarb' epithet aimed at Manticore centuries ago.

The systems on the other side of the wormhole bridges into the SL had accepted membership into the league 3 out of the 5 that we knew of in UoHH [back in 1998 in MTH], but now a dozen or two termini appear to be in the SL, and how many junctions of such termini still extend beyond the SL when its 300-400 LY, not the ~100 of the Honorverse Wikia?


JohnRoth wrote:Trying to establish the size of a spherical "core" or "shell" won't work. I think the following two excerpts from The Universe of Honor Harrington will make this clear.

UoHH wrote:The best speed possible in hyper prior to 1273 pd was about fifty times light-speed, a major plus over light-speed vessels but still too slow to tie distant stars together into any sort of interstellar community. It was sufficient to allow establishment of the oldest of the currently existing interstellar polities, the Solarian League, consisting of the oldest colony worlds within approximately ninety light-years of Sol.

So 90 ly is the approximate size of the Solarian League in 1273. It is now over 6 centuries later.


Uohh wrote:In addition, of course, the discovery of wormhole junctions and a technique for their use imposed an entirely new pattern on the ongoing Diaspora. Theretofore, expansion had been roughly spherical, spreading out from the center in an irregular but recognizable globular pattern. Thereafter, expansion became far more ragged as wormhole junctions gave virtually instantaneous access to far distant reaches of space.
Once initial access to the far end of a wormhole junction had been attained, the habitable world at the far end (if there was one) tended to act as the central focus for its own "mini-Diaspora," creating globular quadrants of explored space which might be light-centuries away from the next closest explored star system.

The notion of a "core," "shell" and "verge" is a useful abstraction, but it doesn't conform all that well to any astrographic reality. It's closer to a political reality.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by lyonheart   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:17 am

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I'm sorry, I should have made my estimate of approximately 2 dozen wormhole bridges etc clearer.

Yildun also has a junction with 3 termini. ;)


SWM wrote:
Theemile wrote:*quote="SWM"*Okay, so you're guessing that there are a couple dozen wormhole termini inside the League. You had been phrasing it as established fact, before. I just wanted to clarify what the facts were.*quote*

Didn't we have a quote at one point stating that there were ZERO junctions in SL space, only termini (and bridges)

We did, but that has pretty clearly been retconned, since Visigoth is a League member and has a junction with two termini.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by lyonheart   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 2:27 am

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Hi Brigade XO,

Thanks for the excellent points as usual. :D

Granted projecting a 3D object on a 2D surface is fraught with all sorts of impossible challenges that can only be approximated.

There's also supposed to be a Japanese or Oriental group of some kind, IIRC.

Anyone remember where that was mentioned?


Brigade XO wrote:Its also missing the Idaho-Zunker bridge (and relationship to Beowulf), where Nolan and its wormhole chain in ART are and that whole chain of wormholes that takes the squadron there from Manticore.

The need or at least want for a 3D representation of any of the maps has been discussed before. 3D software is expensive and it takes somebody entereing the data to plut things where they shouldbe. Short looking lines but large LY numbers vs short LY nubers vs long looking lines is "easy" the short with large LY are looking at a wormhole going away from the point of view of the 2D map. The other could be much closer an actual left to right distance relative to the scale of the map.

Where is that Judean League in relationship to anything we have?

Ah well, perhaps we shall see eventually.
Any snippet or post from RFC is good if not great!
Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by JohnRoth   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:17 am


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Brigade XO wrote:Its also missing the Idaho-Zunker bridge (and relationship to Beowulf), where Nolan and its wormhole chain in ART are and that whole chain of wormholes that takes the squadron there from Manticore.

The need or at least want for a 3D representation of any of the maps has been discussed before. 3D software is expensive and it takes somebody entereing the data to plut things where they shouldbe. Short looking lines but large LY numbers vs short LY nubers vs long looking lines is "easy" the short with large LY are looking at a wormhole going away from the point of view of the 2D map. The other could be much closer an actual left to right distance relative to the scale of the map.

Where is that Judean League in relationship to anything we have?

Ah well, perhaps we shall see eventually.

This thing about 3D maps keeps coming up. The Honorverse is 2 dimensional, or at least it was until a couple of books ago. That's the way RFC mapped it, and that's how all the distances and times work out. There have been a couple of attempts to make it 3 dimensional, but the distances and times simply don't work out.

As far as software is concerned, it's easy to slam together a Javascript routine that works with the HTML canvas widget that's supported in all modern browsers. I saw it done once with a 3-dimensional view of a genetic layout. Kind of primative, but that's just programming.
Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by n7axw   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 7:47 pm

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JohnRoth wrote:
Brigade XO wrote:Its also missing the Idaho-Zunker bridge (and relationship to Beowulf), where Nolan and its wormhole chain in ART are and that whole chain of wormholes that takes the squadron there from Manticore.

The need or at least want for a 3D representation of any of the maps has been discussed before. 3D software is expensive and it takes somebody entereing the data to plut things where they shouldbe. Short looking lines but large LY numbers vs short LY nubers vs long looking lines is "easy" the short with large LY are looking at a wormhole going away from the point of view of the 2D map. The other could be much closer an actual left to right distance relative to the scale of the map.

Where is that Judean League in relationship to anything we have?

Ah well, perhaps we shall see eventually.

This thing about 3D maps keeps coming up. The Honorverse is 2 dimensional, or at least it was until a couple of books ago. That's the way RFC mapped it, and that's how all the distances and times work out. There have been a couple of attempts to make it 3 dimensional, but the distances and times simply don't work out.

As far as software is concerned, it's easy to slam together a Javascript routine that works with the HTML canvas widget that's supported in all modern browsers. I saw it done once with a 3-dimensional view of a genetic layout. Kind of primative, but that's just programming.

Hi JohnRoth,

Yep. If one were going to do the three dimensional thing, one would pretty well have to start over with a sphere concept -- although a perfect sphere wouldn't be the point-- and assign arbitrary distances to all of the star systems included and let it be authoritative. That, of course, would mean being willing to live with the embarrassment of everything published before being inconsistent with the new regime!

When any group seeks political power in God's name, both religion and politics are instantly corrupted.
Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by SWM   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:28 pm

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SharkHunter wrote:
Brigade XO wrote:A map with at least all of the wormholes and termini (including actual junctions as well as two wormholes near one system) would be REALLY helpful.
I know this map was referenced more directly somewhere, and that SWM had a part of making it, bud didn't find the current direct URL: ... iverse.png

Does that show all of our currently known wormholes/junctions?

That's the map made by Sawa, not me.
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Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by SWM   » Sun Jan 11, 2015 9:59 pm

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Sawa's maps and my map can now be found at:

None of our maps show the recently mentioned wormholes because we do not know where those systems are. Both of us created the maps by combining the maps already made public by David Weber. We used different methods. Sawa started with the pencil drawing David released showing the various shells of the Solarian League, then plotted the other maps into it. I started by taking the map in Jaynes Royal Manticoran Navy map, and discovered that many of the unmarked stars in that map match the stars in the other maps David has produced.

Someone mentioned that the Honorverse has been 2-dimensional for most of the time since On Basilisk Station. That appears to be correct. As far as I can tell, David used his various maps to measure the distances between stars and give travel times. The exception is the distances in the text between stars in the Talbot Cluster. Those distances do not appear to be even close to the distances measured on any map.

I will also mention the so-called 'illegible' map released by David Weber on various forums. This map does not match the Talbot Cluster map from SoSag, nor does it match the Jaynes map. Neither Sawa nor I have been able to incorporate the illegible map into our composite maps. I believe the illegible map is actually from some software David got some years ago to produce 3-dimensional maps. That would explain why it does not match any of the previous 2-dimensional maps.

We have heard that BuNine has been working with David to produce a 3-dimensional map of the Honorverse that minimizes discrepancies with published distance and travel-time figures.

I said that we don't know the locations of the systems with wormholes that have recently been mentioned in the text. There is however one system that we can make a pretty good guess at. Beowulf is 40 light-years from Sol and nearly on a line between Sol and Manticore. Visigoth is 60 light-years from Beowulf and 100 light-years from Sol. That means that Visigoth must be pretty close to the line between Manticore and Beowulf.
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Re: Logic behind splitting Lacoon?
Post by stewart   » Mon Jan 12, 2015 1:28 am

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Brigade XO wrote:A map with at least all of the wormholes and termini (including actual junctions as well as two wormholes near one system) would be REALLY helpful.


I think this falls into the realm of "tum te tum tum"

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