ThinksMarkedly wrote:ThinksMarkedly wrote:And as I said in my previous post in this sub-thread, who's to say that there wasn't an actual portion of randomness in the Alliance target selection? The Alliance does have access to the same software, if not better, and if they could predict their own targets using the same or better data set, they should assume the RHN could too. But you can't predict random.
TNG episode "Remember Me," the single weirdest logical conclusion, ever: "if there's nothing wrong with me, maybe there's something wrong with the Universe."
Another Star Trek reference comes to mind: Ferengi Rule of Acquisition 75:
Once in a while, declare peace. It confuses the hell out of your enemies.
The best way to make sure you can't predicted is to be unpredictable. It's not too difficult to insert noise into your signal so those expert systems can't be accurately used.
Nope. That won't foil an expert system. That is why it is called an expert. These computer programs are no different than any other. Upon completion, test data is entered into it that should resolve to a specific conclusion. Then rogue data is inserted to see how it is affected. A professional expert will find a pattern if one is there, if the processing power - and the time - is willing and the creak don't rise. I have an inside track on the design. Some use a top down approach (trying to analyze a pattern using all data), some use a bottom up approach (taking a couple data points and trying to resolve it), but they all default to the opposite of what the default is if it catches no joy. So a pattern would be found in some of the systems Honor hit.
The problem with this powerful approach is processing power and time. Very good chess programs are on the market today that can beat grand masters. But the problem comes when the player deviates from the book openings. Most chess programs are too reliant upon professionals not opening up with dumb moves (following recommended book openings). So the programmer, to save processing time, memory and decision trees omit the attention to these decision trees. The program can still search those patterns, but they must be given loads of extra time. Which is prohibitive to playing a good practical game. Who wants to wait an hour for your opponent to move. Honorverse computers should be speed demons chewing up decision trees like bubble gum. So the expert system isn't handicapped from the beginning.
The expert system would simply find the pattern that exists between the corresponding systems. The expert system will indicate any pattern it found and list the data points that present the pattern. It will indicate which points lay outside the pattern it found.
Thanks for providing the name of the episodes.